January 4, 2015

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Yay! It's longer this time!

January 4, 2015


I woke up with a headache, which was never a good way to start the day. I got up to get some painkillers, only to find out that there wasn't any left. Ugh. I doubted that any of my neighbours had any, and I certainly wasn't going to get some. I then went to drink some water, and it helped for about 5 minutes.

I guess I had to ask my neighbours. I decided to ask the couple across from me, because they seemed the nicest. I made myself look presentable by getting dressed and fixing my hair. It was usually hard for me to do these things, but I was desperate enough.

I knocked on their door, and a man, yet again about my height with messy black hair, black glasses, and pajama pants answered the door. He looked at me expectantly, and I then remembered why I had come here in the first place.

"Um, you wouldn't happen to have any painkillers, would you?" I stammered.

"I think we do. I'll go check, to be sure." He replied. He let go of the door, and it shut with a soft click. After about 2 minutes, he returned and handed me two pills.

"Thank you. I never got your name..." I said

"It's Phil, by the way. And you're welcome." He smiled. I returned to my apartment and took the painkillers. Thank god Phil wasn't an asshole. He was actually pretty nice. I wonder what the other one was like? I pondered the subject a little while longer, until I heard yelling.

"Phil, look what you've done!"

"I'm sorry Dan!" A voice that was obviously Phil's said, a laugh following after. The other person, who I assumed was Dan, joined in on the laughter. After literally 2 seconds after, it stopped.

"Now we have to clean up this flour..." Dan said. I suddenly got confused, because I didn't usually hear them, unless they were um, doing something else... I opened my door and saw that they were in the hallway, along with a pile of flour between them. They both looked at me, and then at the flour, and had slightly embarrassed looks on their faces.

"Hi. You're the guy from earlier, right?" Phil asked me.

"Yeah. I'm PJ, by the way." I answered.

"Oh, well, that's good to know. PJ, this is my boyfriend, Dan."

Dan blushed and said a small "Hi." He seemed like the nervous type, and wasn't too bad looking, to be honest. Phil had good taste.

I then realized I was still standing with my door open, and panicked for a quick second. I then pretended that I forgot my keys and went to get them. I came back, locked my door, and headed down the hall to Chris's. 6D, right? Well, I guess I had to find out.

I knocked on the door that read 6D, and a very surprised Chris answered the door.

"Hi Chris. Sorry if this was at a bad time, I was just wondering if you'd like to come over for tea or something?" I stuttered, obviously not planning what I was going to say.

"Sure, if you don't mind. Wait here, I'll go get my keys." He let the door shut behind him. When he returned, I asked him if he was ready to go. He nodded and we ventured down the hall to my house. I unlocked my door, and he followed me inside.

Chris looked around in wonder, and it didn't surprise me. It's literally what everyone does when they first see my apartment. I had miscellaneous things littering the shelves, some nerdy and some that I had made myself.

"It's a nice place you've got here." He said quietly.

"Thanks. What do you want to do?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, actually. Do you happen to have peppermint tea?" He asked.

"I do, actually." I gestured to the kitchen.

"Shall we?" I said in a mock-gent tone.

"We shall." He smiled.


Um, Dan and Phil have arrived... *cough, cough, Phan exists, cough, cough* Also, I don't actually know why I randomly inserted them spilling flour, but yeah...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2015 ⏰

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