Chapter 7

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FAITH POV: I got my album done. Now hopefully I can get my own tour next year. I'm still on this Tim tour. I have done as best I could to avoid him. He has tried to contact me several times over the past several days but I've ignore his calls. I can't deal with his lies anymore. He keeps saying he can explain. But explain what? how he is not over his ex girlfriend? how he has a kid with her? How.. I than started to cry. There was than a knock on my dressing room door. "Coming" I opened the door. It was my manager Gary "Hey Faith you ok?" "yeah fine" "Ok well ready to go back to the hotel?" "yeah I'm ready" I than grabbed my things and headed back to the hotel. At the same time I arrived I saw Tim walking to the elevator. I don't think he saw me which I'm glad. I just don't want to deal with him right now. I went to my room. Got changed and lied in bed. I than heard a loud TV or something coming from next door along with voices. "What the hell?" I looked at the time it was well after midnight. I than got up. And went next door and knocked. No answer. I banged on it more. Nothing. I than went back to my room and called down to the front desk. "hello" "Hey this is Faith..I'm in room 310 and the neighbor next to me is being very loud and.." "I'm sorry ma'am but there's nothing I can do" "What do you mean?" "if this person is disturbing you, have you tried going over there and.." "YES I have!" "I"m sorry, don't yell at me" The person said and hung up. UGH! i than got up again and to the room again. The noise got lower and I wasn't going to knock and just go back to my room but something in me was very curious as to who this person is and why the loud noise this late. I decided to just go back to my room. Its just not worth it anymore and I'm tired. Just when I got all comfortable in bed, there was a knock at my door. "who the hell is that this late?" I got up and answered "What the hell are you doing here?" "Faith can we just talk." "Look Tim it's late, leave me alone" I yelled and slammed the door in his face.

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