Chapter 39

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FAITH POV: I don't blame Tim for this. He had no idea what Kristine was planning. I sat there for a few minutes after Tim went upstairs. I than started to remember everything. It all came back to me. Everything before, during and afterwards. I have to go to him. It's not his fault none of this his fault. He had no idea what Kristine was capable of. He had no idea what she was planning. I have to go to him. I went upstairs. I walked in his bedroom. He was lying on his side facing away from me. I can see he was crying. I slowly walked over to the bed and sat down and my put hand on his shoulder. He turned around and saw me. His eyes were all red from crying. "Tim.." "Faith don't. please." "Tim, this isn't your fault. I don't blame you for any of this" "how could you not? if it wasn't for me, none of this would of happened to you!" "Tim you don't know that" "Yes I DO" he yelled "Look I'm sorry I don't mean to yell, it's just..." "Tim I know, I know everything. I remember everything!" "You do?" "yes. I was sitting on the couch after you walked off and it all just came back to me. Look Kristine had this plan for a long time. She knew what she was doing" "yeah well I should've known what she was capable of" "How could you?" "because I was with her. I should of.." "Tim, look we both need to let this go. It's over" "no it's not, she hurt you" "I'm fine now Ok" "yeah" "Tim..Look I'm sorry for not letting you explain. I'm sorry for not listening to you and believing in you. I should of known you wouldn't do anything to hurt me" "But yet I did" "No you didn't. You did everything you could to try to help me. To make me see the truth and I was too stubborn, and I'm so sorry" "no I should be sorry all that pain I caused you" "Tim look at me." He than sat up and turned to me. "I Love you, I never stopped loving you. I want to be with you for the rest of my life" "really?" "Yes really" He smiled and kissed me. "I love you too, more than you will ever know" I smiled. "so what happens now?" "where's your ring?" I reached in my pocket and showed him the ring he had gotten me. He took it from me and threw it away. "Why did you that?" "Come with me" he said He took my hand and took me downstairs. We sat on the couch. He reached over in this draw on the side table and pulled out a little black box. "Faith, I love you so much. More than I ever thought possible. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you be my wife?" He said and with tears in my eyes I said "YES of course" he placed a new different ring on my finger "Oh wow, Tim it's beautiful but the other ring was just.." "No! I wanted to get you a new ring for a new beginning. No more bad memories. Just happy ones from now on" I smiled He than leaned in and gave me a long slow kiss. Soon we were headed upstairs and made love. It was like everything all the problems we had is gone. It's a new beginning with the man I love.

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