Chapter 30

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TIM POV: "Please Doctor, please tell she's going to be ok, please tell me we found her in time" "we just don't know. I'm sorry, I wish I had better news for you. She's still unconscious and extremely dehydrated. We don't know how long she's been without food or water." "she will wake up though right?" "Right now, we just don't know. The next 24 to 48 hrs depends on Faith. Right now we are doing everything we could for her. Her body temperature was also extremly dangerously cold. We have warmed it up and got her to almost within normal range" "Can I go see her?" "Sure I will take you to her room. Now she's hooked up to moniters and IV. We also have a special blanket on her right now to warm her body up" "ok" I walked in the room. Pulled up a chair by Faith's bed. I grabbed her hand and held it. "please Faith if you could hear me, please wake up. I love you so much. I can't lose you" She still felt a little cold to me. Her hands. I held them in my hands trying to warm them up. It's not exactly warm in this room. In fact it's a little chilly. I look around at the moniters. I don't understand some of them. I can make out the heart one. I guess the other is her pulse? or oxygen? I have no idea. I hate seeing her like this. It's killing me. "I'm so sorry Faith, its all my fault. I'm so sorry, please just wake up for me, please" After about an hour. The doctor came and in and checked her. "well how is she? will she wake up?" "I'm sorry, but so far no change and the longer she stays unconscious, we are afraid she may slip into a coma" This can't be happening! "I will be back in another hour or so. If anything changes have the nurses page me ok?" "Ok thank you doctor. I than texted faith's parents and told them what was going on. They really want to come see her. So I told them I will arrange a private plane for them. I contacted my manager to arrange this all for me and thankfully he agreed. All of a sudden I see Faith move, than her body starts to shake. "Whats going on? Faith... FAITH!" I than walked out the room and yelled for help. Within seconds a few nurses and the doctor came running in. "whats going on?" "Tim you need to step outside" "NO I want to stay.." "Please sir, come with me" the nurse said I went with her. I can't handle this, why is this happening? WHY? I dropped to the ground and just cried. The doctor than came out. I Jumped up "How is she?" "she's stable for now. " "I don't understand" "well she seems to have a had seizure" "Seizure? what? Why?" "we don't know. It could be from her body being so cold and all she's been through. We don't know how long she's been like that." "Damn it! this never should've happened to her, it's all my fault" Than her parents showed up "Tim..what's your fault?" Edna asked

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