Chapter 33

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FAITH POV: I hear voices. It sounds like my parents. Why can't I open my eyes? I keep trying, but nothing. My mom sounds like she's crying. "Please mama don't cry" I can't even open my mouth to speak. Where am I? why can't I wake up? I try again to open my eyes, I feel so weak. What's going on? "mama, daddy, I'm here! I'm ok, what's going on?" They can't hear me. I can't see them. What is wrong with me? I than hear my mom talking to someone, but I don't hear anything else. Who is she talking to? Why can't I hear the other person? Than I hear another voice. Who is that? He doesn't sound familiar to me. I have to wake up. I have to try. I than try as hard as I can to open my eyes. I can see, but everything is blurry. "Faith.. Faith.." my mom says Than I hear my dad. "Baby. come on back to us" My eyes are now fully open. But my vision is blurry. I blink my eyes trying to adjust my vision. It's becoming clearer. "Mm.." I try to talk "shhh.. it's ok don't try to talk baby, your ok. Your going to be just fine" My mom says I feel so weak and tired. I just want to sleep. I close eyes again.

TIM POV: I walk in Faith's room and see her parents over her bed talking to her telling her she's going to be ok. "What happened? is she awake?" Edna turned to me "she was.. " "What do you mean?" "Tim she..her eyes started to open, they moved but, I don't know, she.." "damn it, why is this happening? It's all my fault" "Tim don't blame yourself. I don't think Faith blames you" "Thanks but Edna.. I blame myself. I don't see how she doesn't blame me, why would she not?" "Because she loves you. Tim I never told you this. But before all this happened with Faith going missing. She called me. She told me how much she regrets everything that happened with the two of you. She told me how much she loves you and was going to talk to you to work things out. So you see Tim, she doesn't blame you, so don't blame yourself" "wow I never knew's just I love her so damn much. This is killing me seeing her like this" "I know it does. but you have to be strong. She will come back to us" I smiled "so whats that?" Ted said pointing the bags in my hand. I wiped my eyes. "oh I thought you guys might be hungry so I stopped and got y'all something to eat" "thank you" They took the food from me. "Ted and I are going to go outside by the tables to eat" "You don't have to leave" "it's ok. We need a little break and we want to give you a few minutes to be with her" "Thank you" they than left the room. I pulled the chair closer up to her. "Faith baby, please open those beautiful eyes of yours again" She than started to stir. It looks like she was having a bad dream or nightmare. I just hope it's not another seizure. I immediately rang for the nurse. She and the doctor came running in. "what's going on?" "I..I don't know. she seems like something is wrong" "Ok lets take a look" "well how is she?"

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