My Brother's Bestfriend (6)

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Chapter 6

Niall's POV 

Olivia Scott hasn't left my mind. She has avoided my presence in their house for the past week. She was also meaner than usual. There was really nothing to talk about, unless she would let me in her head and tell me how she felt. Which would never happen with Olivia's stubbornness. 

"No plans this weekend dear?" my mom asked me walking into the living room.

"Nah, not any that I know of." 

"You look down in the slumps, you need to talk?"

I gave my mom a nice smile, she really meant no harm. I was her only son left in the house, and she was just looking out for me, "No thanks mum." 

"Okay well I'll be in the kitchen getting supper prepared."

"Okay." After she was gone I started back flipping through channels. Television was really boring me to death. My phone rang, disturbing me a little.


"Hi Niall."

"Whom am I talking to?" 

"This is Becky silly."

"Becky? Becky from school right?"

"Right! I've been searching everywhere for your number, I was so excited when I found it finally. You said we could hang out sometimes, so I was thinking if nothing was going on this weekend, me and you could go catch a movie or something."

I was not turning down a date with Becky Hill; she was a cute blue eyed, blonde. "Yeah, sure that would be awesome. Tonight would be great." 

"Yes, I'm free as well." 

An awkward moment of silence, "Um yeah, just message me your address, and I'll pick you up tonight around 7?"

"Great, see you then." 

"Bye bye."

Hopefully Becky could take my mind off her. . . Becky was a nice girl as well, she just was super girly unlike her . . . Who could make me laugh all day- 

Stop Niall, you have date to prepare for.


Olivia's POV

I have been cranky and cramping all week, and it sucked so badly. Every day this week Niall has been over here getting on my everlasting nerves! I avoided him as much as possible. But I'm so glad I'm back to feeling like the old Olivia. I'm feeling relieved, refreshed, and so much better. And now. . . I'm super bored.

"Nick I'm bored!" I whined flopping backwards on the couch by him.

"I see somebody's feeling better." he looked over at me.

I smiled at him, "much better. But didn't you hear me? I'm super bored."


"So it's 6 o'clock, and a movie is playing tonight at 8 that I really wanna see."


"Nick please! Sarah's sick."

He groaned, "No, I'm tired."

"You haven't did anything today but this, pleassseeee don't make me go alone." I begged.

"Fine cry baby."

"Yay! Be ready by 7:15 were leaving. And we're eating afterwards"


I went upstairs, showered quickly and started getting dressed. I wore a black skirt that stopped at mid-thigh, and a sheer pink shirt, with a black tank under it of course. It took most of the time to curl my hair. But it was so worth it as my curls bounced on my shoulder. When it was almost time to go, I slipped on my boot sandals, and went downstairs. 

"Bye mum." I said as Nick held the door open.

"Where are you two going?"  She asked curiously.

"I have a movie date with Olivia tonight. . . ." Nick said flatly.

I rolled my eyes at him, "Cheer up please."

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