Chapter 5

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a/n ok so I thought that Newt's eyes could be the honey colored ones and Thomas' eyes could be the chocolate ones
i thought it'd be a better visual bc this fanfic is about eyes n stuff
sorry the pic looks weird I got it off google :/
also sorry I'm a shitty update-r ):

a/n ok so I thought that Newt's eyes could be the honey colored ones and Thomas' eyes could be the chocolate ones i thought it'd be a better visual bc this fanfic is about eyes n stuff sorry the pic looks weird I got it off google :/also sorry I'm...

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[chapter five] ; you're lucky if your memory remains

"Newt, I'll just say it. I am officially living off Doritos and becoming the size of a parade balloon. I'm already fat, why not add to it?."

Newt groans as his new friend complains to him, "And what brought this up?"

"We, " Teresa motions between them, "are sitting on our asses, eating Doritos while we watch beautiful, athletic men do sporty things." Newt raises an eyebrow, "Does that make me fat, then?"

He lifts up his shirt to flash her his faint, but still there, six pack. It's mainly from going up two flights of stairs everyday and being naturally lanky, even though he eats like a starved teenager. Which he is, only being nineteen.

Teresa flushes, her face and the tips of her ears going pink.

Newt puts his shirt down, seemingly amused with proving his point. "That's not what I meant and you know it," Teresa huffs, shoving a chip in her mouth. "What, you meant that we're fat just because we don't play any sports and are eating while we perv on the football team?"

She laughs and shakes her head, "I do actually. Play a sport, I mean." Newt takes a chip from the bag, his eyes following the team as they run up and down the field, "Not surprised, actually." He stresses the last word, stealing the chip that was in her hand and giggles when she gasps at his action.

She huffs again, "Shut up and eat your chips, lazy bum." Newt pretends to stick his chin up indignantly and snatches the bag from her grasp. "As a matter of fact, I will," He says before taking off, sprinting his way to where Minho was tying his cleats on a bench by the fence.

He hears Teresa cackle from behind him and Newt quickly makes sure to throw the bag of Doritos, before taking a handful for himself, on the other side of the fence. The bag lands somewhere near the goal with a loud crinkle noise.

Teresa catches up to him and watches the bag dejectedly because no one except the teams and the coach are allowed on the pitch. "You really hate me don't you?" She pouts at Newt and sits next to her boyfriend.

Newt suddenly feels guilty because it's just a bag of chips and he took them away what is wrong with him?

He sits on the other side of Minho, who's currently intently tying and retying his shoes, and says, "Sorry T, I'll buy you something from the mall after practice." Teresa looks at him funny, head tilting, "Only Minho and Thomas call me T." But it was said more curiously instead of harshly.

Newt blushes, fingers tingling when she mentioned the boys. Did he fuck up already? What if she's really uncomfortable with people aside from her close friends and family calling her nicknames? Oh, god he's fucked up. "Uh, sorry if you don't want me to call you that, I mean we've only known each oth—"

"Of course you can call me T! Caught me by surprise s'all." She smiles reassuredly at his rambling, focusing her attention on her soul mate. Teresa sighs loudly and it makes Newt look to see what Minho is doing this time.

The raven haired boy is still tying his shoes, tongue poking out between his lips just the slightest. "Min, babe, what are you doing?"

Minho is still tying and glances at Teresa, "Stalling." Newt stares at him with an unimpressed expression, "And what exactly for?"

Minho finishes and sits up fully, turning to his roommate, "Coach has been working us hard these past days and I don't have time for that shit." He stands up, not before kissing Teresa on the forehead and lightly slapping Newt's cheek, and takes off towards the locker room.

Newt chuckles at his explanation as if it had made any sense and scoots closer to Teresa, "He is, quite possibly, the strangest character I've ever met."

She smiles fondly at the thought of her crazy but terribly cute soul mate.
She lights up at the topic and prods at Newt's cheek. "So have you met your soul mate?" Teresa asks, wiggling her eyebrows in a way that makes him laugh.

He quiets down and flicks his dirty blond hair out of his eyes. "Can't you tell?" he motions to his different colored eyes, "Haven't really gotten lucky yet."

A lot of people have thought he had found his soul mate already because at first glance they're almost the same shade of brown. But his right and real eye color is a honey brown and his left eye is a dark, chocolate brown. They contrasted each other nicely and Newt felt kinda sad that it'll go away when he meets his soul mate.

Teresa gazes at him for a few moments, making Newt feel slightly uncomfortable under her scrutinizing stare. "Your eyes are pretty." Is all she says.

Newt frowns, "Erm, thanks, I guess." Teresa laughs at his awkwardness and mocks him in a horrible low british voice, "Thanks, I guess."

Newt snorts and shoves her off the bench, "Good lord, please never talk like that again." Teresa grins at him from the gravel, where she had been lightly shoved onto. She latches onto his legs, that seemingly go on for miles, seriously what the fuck is Newt Isaacs, and gives him an half-assed pout, "But Newtie! It's sooo fun!" She practically shouts in a british accent.

Newt giggles and shakes her off, "I don't sound like that at all." Teresa stands up and plops back down next to him, "Oh but yes you do my good little chap."

He groans at her words, "Please don't stereotype me." (a/n I don't know anything about british people I am very american pls don't kill me) She laughs right in his ear and mimics drinking tea, pinky throw in the air. "I don't even like tea," Newt mumbles, lying through his teeth in hopes to get her off his back.

She hears and stops, giggling at his reaction. "It's actually cute, just so you know." She pats his back, apprently 'consoling' him. He brushes her hand off and stretches his arms behind his head. He leans back, smirking, and winks at her, "I know."

Teresa gasps and swats at his chest," So you do know what you do!" Sitting straight again, Newt looks at her in confusion, "What do you mean?" She rolls her eyes, "You know? The whole British bad boy vibe you give off? Tall, British, and looks like he could fuck you up but still have your parents love him is enough to make any girls panties fly off."

Newt busts out laughing, "I honestly did not know that girls thought that." Teresa sighs and crosses her arms over her chest, "Well, not every girl. Just the ones at our university apparently." She mumbles the last part, sending him into another pit of laughter.

Teresa stands up, seeing practice is over and motions for Newt to get up. He finishes laughing and walks off to the car with her.

Honestly, who could even think that he's a bad boy? He's in school to be a chef for fucks sake. Not exactly the most 'punk rock' job. Newt laughs to himself one last time and slides in the car.

a/n ok so I realized something the other day....minho and thomas are on the same soccer team but go to diff universities

this fucked me up majorly but then I decided that since the universities are in such a close vicinity that the two teams are joined up together

yeah there's that so quit judging me pls

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