Chappiter Two!

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I giggled at Kenji's comment. Then, she started the show. As the episode started, Naruto is seen on the screen immediately, and I could hear Kumiko giggle and fidget in her seat next to me. I playfully nudged her in the side, and leaned near her ear.

"Somebody likes Naruto!" I sang in her ear.

She slapped my arm playfully. "Shut up and watch. Eyes and ears on Naruto, not me." She replied.

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, but I don't know how much he'll like two girls staring at him.." I shot back. She slapped my arm.

"Eyes and ears on the Television Show!" She shouted. I rolled my eyes, but turned my attention back to the show, a smirk on my face. I loved giving her a hard time, knowing she would return the favor eventually.

I laughed silently at the girls and watched Naruto leave with Pervy Sage. Man I would be scared if I was around him. He makes me very... uncomfy. I know a girl that likes him... she's scary too... Hey look Shikamaru!

Naruto left with Pervy Sage. 'Please don't show him being Pervy....... I don't wanna see that...' I thought, tempted to cover my eyes. To my relief, they didn't. They cut to a random scene of Shikamaru playing shogi with Asuma. They were discussing how Asuma was a horrible shogi player. I held back a sqeal as a blush came to my cheeks. I leaned closer to the screen, listening intently to Shikamaru's voice. God I loved his voice.

"Who's fan girling now?" Kumiko whispered in my ear, scaring me and causing me to fall out of my chair. I screamed and fell onto the floor. Everyone stared at me.

"Wow Kiyomi... I knew you had horrible balance, but I thought you could at least sit in a chair!" Reiko teased.

"Shut up.." I mumbled, climbing back into the chair.

"Happy now?" I asked playfully. Kumiko smirked.

"Very. Revenge is sweet." She said, throwing a handful of popcorn into her mouth. "Great! Now I missed Shika's conversation!" I pouted.

"Is that why you fell out of your chair? You were so lovestruck over Shikamaru that you couldn't control yourself?" Reiko teased yet again.

"No.. Shut up." I said, a blush forming on my cheeks.

"We all know you will do the same when Kakashi shows up so don't even go there. You know that I am one for revenge." I said darkly.

She rolled her eyes. "Like I am sooo scared of you!" She said sarcastically. 'Oh.. You'll see...' I smirked evilly.

Once I saw Naruto get beat up by that toad and everything, they cut to the scene where I saw Gaara about to kill Rock Lee. Even though its not good to kill, it's really hot when it's him. I put my fists to my face and I felt my face heat up really hot and I squealed slightly as I saw his pretty eyes. Kai looked over at me.

"Look who fangirls over the Red Killer." He says smirking.

I looked at him and glared, "No body insults my Gaara like that, Kai. Unless they like dying." I said through gritted teeth. I looked back at the screen where Gaara, Shikamaru, and Naruto were. 'Why is Kai always insulting someone who he knows I will defend?' I thought.

After about twenty-five episodes we decided to have a bathroom/drink/snack break. I was sitting on my couch with Kiyomi, drinking a soda.

"So while I was obviously fangirling over the hottest crimson-haired anime boy in the entire world, Kai looks over at me and says 'Look who fangirls over the 'Red Killer'.' So I looked at him and told him to basically shut up or die. He makes me so mad. And the weirdest part is he does it all the time to all the people who I either have a crush on or fantasize about getting married and all that jazz. What the crap is that all about?!" I asked taking the last sip from my soda before crushing it. She doesn't look at me but she shrugs.

"Eh. Boys will be boys." I answered simply. It was so obvious that Kai likes her, but I felt that she should figure it out on her own. Just then, Masumi came in, holding a bottle of Dr. Pepper.

"Sorry. Am I interrupting?" She asked shyly.

I smiled. "Nope. Come on! Sit down!" I patted the seat next to me. Reluctantly, she sat down.

"Ew. How can you drink that crap?" I asked, eyeing her Dr. Pepper.

"It's really good. Better than orange cream soda." She replied, as I took a sip of my orange cream soda. I almost choked on it because I pulled the bottle away from my lips so fast.

"You take that back!" I snapped.

"Alright.. Sorry.." She said, turning to look the other way. I rolled my eyes and threw an arm around her shoulder.

"Relax, Sumi! I was just kidding! Jeez!" I said.

She looked at me curiously. "Sumi?" She asked. I removed my arm from around her. "I don't know. Just sounded right.. Anyway, everyone needs to hurry back! I needs my daily fill of Naruto!" I shouted.

Just then, Reiko came back in. "We have watched twenty-five episodes. I think you got your 'daily fill'." She said, putting air quotes around "daily fill".

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." I replied.

She laughed and sat down on the floor in front us. "So.. Did you hear what Kai said to me?!" Kenji yelled. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah." Reiko replied.

"Why does he always do that?" Kenji asked.

"Dude, he totally likes you." Reiko said nonchalantly, taking a sip of her Mountain Dew. Kenji's mouth dropped, and for once she was silent.

My mouth fell open. What the hocus pocus?

I laughed nervously. "Haha. You're funny Reiko."

"Thanks." She said, "But I'm not kidding. He obviously likes you."

I slammed my forehead on the arm of the chair. "Oh Kami no."

I felt someone pat my shoulder "It's okay, Kenj. I'm sure he'll understand if you tell him no. " Kumiko said. I looked up and held my red forehead.

"Thanks Miko." I said smiling weakly. Chiann entered the room with Kai and Ayama.

"So who's ready for more Naruto?!" Ayama asked excitedly.

"Um yeah!" I yelled and turned the show back on but then, as the show turned back on, everything went black.

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