Chappiter Seven!

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I woke up early in the morning when the sun was finally starting to rise. I smiled as I though of Gaara, but frowned when I thought of Kai. He made me sick. I got up and dressed in my signature outfit and quietly went out the door. I needed Kiyomi so I can tell her about what happened. I walked up the stairs and knocked on her apartment door.

The door opened, "Hmm? Kenji? Why are you up so early?" She asked.

"I woke up this early and couldn't go back to sleep. I need to talk to you about last night while you were on your date with Shika." I said and she let me in. We walked into her room with some Pocky and I told her the whole story. I cried a little while telling her.

I awoke in my bed... Weird... I guess Shikamaru took me home... Wait.. How does he know where I live? I then remembered the directions that were in my pockets. I reached in to check. Yup, they were gone. Shikamaru must have took them and forgot to give them back. I heard a knock at the door. I groaned and got up to answer it. It was Kenji. She seemed upset, so I let her come in. We went into my room, and she told me about Kai, and then Gaara. Tears were streaming down her face.

"I'm so sorry. I wish I could have been there for you." I answered.

"No. It's fine. I just needed someone to talk to." She sniffled.

I sighed and pulled her into a hug. "Everything is going to be fine. Kai is just jealous because he likes you. But he is being selfish, because he wants you all to himself." I comforted her.

I sniffed. "Thanks Kiyomi. It means a lot to me that you c-care." I said wiping my eyes, "I just don't understand, w-why does he want me? We're here now. He can find TenTen and he can love her can't he? I mean what am I? I mean I know Gaara was only trying to help and be a good friend. W-what if Kai is right? What if he doesn't love me? I like him a lot but out of all of the episodes we've watched he won't love a girl until Hell freezes over. I don't know what to think anymore. Ever since we came here my life has been fucked up. Maybe it would've been better if I stayed in Narutard."

"Normally, I would not tolerate cursing. But I'll let it slide just this once. Anyway, about Kai. He wants you because you are an amazing girl. And yeah he can go find Tenten, but I guess he likes you more. And about Gaara, have you ever seen him be so nice? He put his arm around you. The moon should have fallen out of the sky when that happened! Gaara likes you. Probably. Everyone will find love eventually. I think the real question here, is which one do you like the most? And which one are you willing to go after?" I answered her. I've always been good at giving advice. That's why she came to me.

I looked at her, "Yeah you're right. But it's a pretty obvious answer isn't it? I mean Kai he was nice and I've liked Gaara for a long time. If Gaara had asked me out right then and there I would have said yes and you know. But the thing about it is, if I would have said yes and Kai found out he would have gone up to Gaara and would challenge him to a duel to the death and he will die. I don't want that to happen. But enough about me. What about your little date? What happened? Did he kiss you before you even 'got to know' him?" I asked putting quotes around 'got to know' because when you fangirl you have to stalk their info. That's how I know so much about Gaara.

Well, she seems better now. "It wasn't a date. And we didn't kiss. We watched the clouds and then the stars. He even said that he liked people like me. OMG! You remember when Naruto said that to Hinata? That's funny. Anyway, I fell asleep there, but I guess he must have bring me back here." I answered her.

"Yeah he did. I had the pleasure of answering the door for him when he did." Kumiko smirked in the doorway.

"Sorry. Did he wake you?" I asked.

"Yup. He got here about midnight." She replied, then notice Kenji and the Pocky. "Everything alright?"

"Everything is fine. We are talking about Shika and I last night." I answered. I decided Kenji should tell her if she wants.

"Kenji, have you been crying?" She asked, concerned.

I looked down and nodded. "Yeah. I kinda had a good-slash-bad night last night. I mean I have scars from it so...." I was silent again and tears dropped from my eyes again. I wiped them furiously, "God damn it! I need to stop this!" I said drying my eyes furiously.

"What happened? I want to know everything." I said softly. I walked over and joined Kenji and Kiyomi on the bed. She explained the whole night. Kai and Gaara. "Well, I think Kai is just being selfish. He should let you like who you like. He shouldn't be forbidding you to talk to people. It's stupid and wrong. If he really liked you, he would let you do whatever made you happy." I replied. Personally, I was always one to take sides. Judging by Kenji's facial reaction, Kiyomi hadn't taken sides, which was expected. Kiyomi was the one to help people through their problems by staying neutral, and telling them to trust their heart. I believe there is a right and wrong, and that they have to see that.

"You really think that?" She asked. I nodded.

"Kumiko." I turned my attention to Kiyomi. "Kai was just trying to protect her. I agree with everything you said, but you shouldn't be angry at him." She said.

"I'm not angry. I just believe that he should have kept his mouth shut." I snapped.

She sighed. "Okay."

I woke up and went to Kenji's room to finds her not there. Where could she be? Oh no she can't be with HIM can she? I'll go to Kiyomi first and see if she's there. I run up the apartment stairs and knock on her door. Kumiko opened the door when she saw me she narrowed her eyes and said, "What do you want Kai?"

"Is Kenji in there?" I asked trying to keep my cool.

"Yeah. Why? You gonna tell her not to talk to us?" She snapped. I looked at her with guilt and hurt.

"No Kumiko! Can I please come in to see her?" I asked frantically. She told them what I said. I didn't mean to make her upset! I was just so- so angry that she was already slipping away from me!

I rolled my eyes. The only way to settle this is to let Kai explain himself, and see how Kenji reacts. Maybe he will realize how stupid he was when he sees that Kenji has been crying.

"Fine. She's in Kiyomi's room." I stated nonchalantly, walking away from the door. I heard it close, then he followed me to Kiyomi's room. I knocked lightly on the open door. "Kenji. Someone is here to see you." I called softly as I opened the door.

I looked at the doorway and saw Kai standing there with Kumiko. I wiped my eyes, "Get him away from me." I said.

"Kenj please..." Kai started.

"Fine, you have one minute. Go." I said emotionless.

"Kenji I didn't mean to make you upset really I didn't. I just got jealous that Red- I mean Gaara was getting closer to you and making me lose you! I've had a crush on you for years and I wanted you for me. I wanted to point out his bigger flaws to get you to come back. You were slipping from my grasp and I wanted a tighter grip. I'm sorry. I love you. I do and I want you to know that." He said.

I looked at him "I can forgive your reasons. But because you made me angry, I hurt myself, just as you hurt our friendship," I said showing him my palms. "What you said to me made me angry and I almost believed you. But the thing you need to understand is that I'm never going to pick you. Now leave. Just go." I said looking at the bed, pointing to the door.

Hey Y'all! Mo here! I hope y'all are liking the story so far, I would like to know what y'all think about it. I think it might be a little confusing some times so if I need to slow it down or something, let me know! I'd like to give a thanks to IzayaFan4ever. She was the one who started this with me. So thanks Shi-kun! 

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