Chapter 06

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"For how long must we continue down this wretched path?" Draco demanded, shoving a large branch out of his way. He winced as it whacked Bottom in the face.

"We're nearly there," Red answered, using his sword to help Harry slice a pathway through the foliage.

The morning after they'd made port in Tortuga, Harry had instructed they set sail for an island called Ballena. Red's eyes had widened and he'd pulled Harry aside for a few minutes. Draco had heard them argue in angry whispers, but hadn't been able to discern what they'd been saying.

Zabini was guarding the ship and Harry had ordered Red, Draco, Timber Toe, Tommo, and Bottom to accompany him to visit someone Red had merely referred to as "the lunatic." Harry had shot him a severe glare, piquing Draco's interest.

It seemed as if they'd been walking through this jungle for ages. Despite the fact that Draco was starting to become accustomed to hard work and strenuous activity, his legs ached, his back ached, and he had a sharp pain in his side that caused him to wince at every step he took. What frustrated him most was that the five other men didn't seemed bothered at all by the trek.

"Tommo, look." Timber Toe smacked his friend in the chest and pointed ahead. Curious, Draco followed Timber Toe's line of vision and his jaw threatened to drop.

In the middle of a large lake, there was a massive tree. About twenty feet up was a hollowed out house that used the tree itself for the walls and roofing. A small door at the base of the tree seemed to be the only way into the house. Fireflies glowed around the windows and candlelight sent shadows across the surrounding branches.

Red held a rowboat steady while the four of them clambered in. Harry let Red settle down beside Bottom before disconnecting the rope that kept it anchored to the shore. He gave it a firm push, then leapt gracefully onto it, balancing himself with one of the edges. Draco ignored the flutter in his stomach and instead gazed into the water.

It was opaque and shimmery and he realized that there were scales gleaming at the bottom, casting extraordinary colors across strange fish. He watched, in horrifying fascination, as a lizard-like creature swallowed an entire school of miniscule guppies. Turning his attention back to the bottom of the crystal clear lake, Draco wondered what sort of animal could produce scales so breathtakingly stunning. They constantly shifted colors, maintaining a pearly sheen.

"Siren scales," Harry murmured to him. "Each one is worth a fortune."

"Why aren't you collecting them, then?" Draco frowned in confusion.

"Taking a Siren's scale or blood without the creature itself handing it to you will curse you for life. The woe that is sure to follow isn't worth all the riches in the world." Harry spoke softly.

Draco supposed it was one of those settings that was so magnificent you couldn't help but be hesitant to break the majesty. He forced himself to pull his gaze from the scales and gulped. He normally wouldn't believe in such creatures, but seeing the glimmering plates at the bottom of the lake was proof enough. Neither man nor random act of nature could've created such beautiful artifacts. He looked up at Harry, entranced by the severity of his angled face and the vivacity of his eyes. His usual maroon bandana shaded his vision and kept most of the raven hair from his face. His eyes were scanning the lake and the surrounding forest warily.

He caught Draco staring and let a slow smirk slide onto his face, raising one of his eyebrows cockily. Draco quickly glanced away, scowling, attempting to cool his heated cheeks. He wondered why he couldn't seem to stop staring and thinking about Harry—it wasn't normal and it wasn't right.

Red tied the boat to a wooden pole near the base of the tree, then they all climbed out of the boat. Draco's foot got caught underneath a root as he attempted to disembark and heat flooded his body when one of Harry's arms hooked around his chest, keeping him from falling flat on his face. Harry swiftly stepped off the boat and helped Draco steady himself, an amused smile dancing on his lips as he did so.

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