Chapter 08

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Draco woke to the sound of cannonfire. He was alone in Harry's bed, though the other man's imprint in the mattress was still visible and warm. He slowly sat up, blinking the sleep from his weary eyes. At the sound of another explosion, he jerked forward and leapt out of the bed, quickly pulling on his clothes. He could hear shouting from the deck, both above and below, and could make out Harry's dominating orders as if he were in the same room.

Rushing to the door, Draco struggled to wrench it open, but found himself locked in the room. He gave the door another shove, then let out a cry of frustration. This reminded him far too much of a near-parallel pivotal point a month previous.

"Bull-headed pirate," Draco snarled, giving the door a harsh kick.

Ignoring the throbbing in his toe, Draco scampered to the window behind Harry's desk. Through the glass, he could make out the King's flags. His eyes widened as he realized that Commodore Snape was most likely on board one of those ships. There were three vessels, all surrounding the Siren. Draco realized, with a start, that they were being attacked mercilessly by Harry and his crew. Despite the fact that Harry's crew was severely outnumbered, Draco knew chances were slim that they'd defeat the Siren.

He needed to do something.

Moving quickly, he opened and closed Harry's desk drawers, desperately searching for anything to assist him in his escape. In one of the top drawers lay the same pistol Harry held to his brow the first time Draco entered this room. He took it with him, slipping the knife resting on Harry's desk into his belt. Pointing the pistol at the door lock, Draco fired it, jerking at the kick it delivered. Without pause, Draco pulled the door open and rushed through the hallway, heading toward the deck. Another jolt of cannonfire caused him to stumble and grasp the wall for support.

The shock of destruction, or lack of, revealed to Draco that the impact wasn't affecting the Siren. At this revelation, he urged himself to hurry. Draco wrenched open the double doors and his jaw dropped. Dozens of Snape's men lay lifeless upon the deck, glazed eyes unblinking. His stomach dropped as he saw Harry engaged in a fight with one of Snape's men. Just as Harry spun around and drove his sword home, their eyes met. Draco's heart stuck in his throat as he watched the other man fall to his knees, then go limp.

Never before had Draco seen Harry take a man's life. He'd heard Harry threaten men and and certainly heard stories of the captain's ruthlessness, but this first-hand account paralyzed him. Harry looked like an avenging angel, kohl-lined eyes blazing and muscles rippling. This reality lived up to the stories that Draco regarded as nightmares.

Harry's eyes displayed first shock, then fury. He yanked his weapon from the man's chest, then stormed toward Draco, deflecting swings and ducking beneath swords as he did so.

"What do you think you're doing out here?" Harry demanded, grabbing Draco's upper arm and pulling him back toward the double doors. "You'll get yourself killed!"

His voice, normally arrogant and lax, was hard and stern. Absinthe eyes were glinting and his maroon bandana kept his hair from sticking to his glistening brow. Draco attempted to wrench his arm out of Harry's grip, but it was to no avail.

"I can defend myself, Harry," he insisted, staring unflinchingly into his eyes.

"You've only been practicing for three days." Harry shoved Draco to the ground and swung his blade. Draco only heard a gurgle of blood and the sound of a weapon being dropped. Without letting him turn to see, Harry pulled Draco to the double doors and was about to shove him behind them when Draco made contact with a very familiar set of eyes.

"Father," he murmured. Then, lunging forward, "Father!"

Lucius was on board the Accelerator, the only ship in Snape's fleet even remotely capable of matching The Green Siren. He was shouting Draco's name desperately, ducking beneath crossed blades and running down the deck of the ship. Draco gasped as his father ran straight into Tommo, who instantly lifted his blade to slice Lucius's neck.

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