Chapter 5

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"Please leave me," I begged. But before I could do anything to defend myself, a hand grabbed the man by his collar and pulled him away from me. Before I could adjust to the scene in front of me, his lips were busted. There he was, my knight in shining armour, I mean Rishi who was fuming by now. I was finding it difficult to take in whatever was going on because I was never a victim of Rishi's temper before this. Today I was seeing the protective side of my boy which he has most probably kept for me. The sudden outburst made my feet and hands numb preventing me from doing anything. I stood glued to my position trying to understand everything. I stared at this easy-go-lucky boy who was now furious only because somebody had tried to misbehave with me . Tears slipped through my cheeks as my heart sank deeper for him if it could be any deeper, seeing his strong hands which ones held me in a warm hug, punching at the man's abdomen. His black hair was messier than ever as he pushed the man, making him fall on the ground. I stared at those mischievous eyes of his which now wears a shade of anger. His flawless fair skin tightened, his jaw forming a hard line as he was continuously kicking the drunk on the ground.

When I find sense regain in my numb body, I quickly run over to Rishi. Holding him by the hem of his jacket, I pushed him backwards with me to stop him from reacting further. I had completely broke down by now with tears slipping furiously.

"Rishi please stop. Calm down. Let's get back home. It's late enough." I cried laying my head on his chest which was heavily breathing in and out.

"Everyone knows that before misbehaving with Vrishti, they need to cross this barrier called Rishi. " He shouted at the man though he couldn't hear for him lying unconscious on the ground. Although I cried hard, a smile managed to creep through my lips when I heard what he said. This gave me the confidence that Rishi was more mine than others.

I was still between my sobs when Rishi's breathes came back to normal and he was hugging me tight. He slightly pulled back to plant a soft kiss on my forhead before escorting me out to the pavements.

We were walking back to our homes, both of us not caring to call for a taxi cuz we knew that we needed time for some serious talk right now. We were silent in the starting as we walked down the pavements trying to properly recall whatever has happened until I decide to break it.

"Where were u for such a long time?" I asked him,tears again brimming on my eyes.
"I m sorry. I got a phone call from one of our basketball team members about an upcoming match. U knw how it is with basketball and me. I forget everything. I m sorry. My brain is just full of shit, I knw." He is guiltily staring at the ground as he criticises himself.

I stop walking and turn to look at him. Trying to be serious, I said," when did I tell that I had problem with u and your basketball? U can always be busy with it. I'll never mind and I can protect myself, Rishi. It was not necessary for u to put up a scene like that."
"U were scared?" He asked, his voice a whisper. In spite of saying anything I just hugged him as tears were starting to fall. I said in his shoulder," Don't be angry like that. It's not good and that also only because of me an-"
He cut me off saying softly," Never say only because of u. U have no idea how much u mean to me and the amount of trust I have in u." How good his deep matured voice sound when he speaks softly. His voice alone was capable of melting down any girl's heart. I among all felt special to have been able to see every side of Rishi, which his whole lot of girlfriend and ex girlfriends gave also not experienced.

We pulled back with me smiling through my tears." U will also never knw what I feel for u." I obviously had a deeper meaning to that but then I tried to sound normal.
"Why do I feel that u always have something hidden behind everything u say." He says almost instantly as if reading my mind. I chuckled as he wiped down the tears off my cheeks.
"Don't let those tears fall down your cheeks otherwise it would spoil your makeup ." He said playfully, emphasising on the word makeup which made me laugh. It was surprising to see how Rishi could change his mood and mine too in no time.

"Shut up" I said rolling my eyes.
"Now there's my girl again." He said as he leaned closer to give a kiss on my cheeks. Every bit of affection shown by him would give me butterflies in my stomach although I've known him for almost the 16 years of my life.

Suddenly he puts his hand on his jacket's pocket as if he was reminded of something. "Here take this."
"Oh my god, it was with u all this time. I forgot about it." I said completely amused as he pulled out my lip gloss from his pocket. I assume he had carelessly put it in his pocket back at my home.

"And I don't fancy the idea of
Mr.Popular of Princeton school with a girl's accessories. "He said jokingly boasting of himself.

"Keep quiet but this is so-"



"Oh c'mon this is so stupid." He said.

"But I think my things are safer with u than its with me." I said in a teasing way and looked up to see his reaction.

He frowned and asked," Are u teasing me, Vrishti? "

"No just laying out the fact." I said putting on an innocent smile.

"Ok whatever but now let's get going before our mothers go all wild upon us."

We resumed walking in a quicker pace not wanting that to happen. Both of us decided to keep whatever happened today only between us and not disclosing it to even our parents. We don't want to see their reactions after they come to knw about it.
   We finally thought of taking a cab back home as we were done with all our important talks and now were back to teasing and flirting with each other. Yeah we actually flirt with one another just to spend our time.
  However I do keep a constant guard on my mouth in between all these. It is because I don't want to spill out the three words which I've been holding back since years. I knw I'll be able to hold them for more years to come because if I didn't I will be seriously risking my friendship with Rishi. And this is the one thing which I treasured with all my heart and did not  want to lose at any cost. All this is because I dearly believe in a saying that says ' There's a weird pleasure in loving someone who doesn't love us back'

So don't u think this was quite a long chapter? Anyways I enjoyed writing it. And friends I really gave a lot in this chapter because recently m not getting a lot of reads or votes. I did my best to make it up to standard so I'll appreciate it a lot if u all vote and comment on it. But only if u like it.:-):-)

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