Here We Go

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That night after I got home I packed up my bags and prepared for Warped Tour. I never thought I'd ever go to Warped Tour, when I was a teenager none of my friends liked the bands I did and my parents sure weren't going to let me go to Warped Tour by myself since they wouldn't go with me. So it was kind of surreal to finally be going.

Kellin picked me up bright and early at six. We packed up my stuff and went to meet up with the rest of the band. On the way I got a text from Rian.

"Are you excited for Warped??"

"On a scale of 1-10? ...12!"

"Awesome! Can't wait to see you at our first stop!"

While Kellin drove I was looking up some more songs to cover. Since I'd be opening for them all summer I decided I should have a couple different songs. In case I wanted to switch it up. When we arrived we all piled onto the bus and picked out our bunks. I got a top bunk, and Kellin had the one underneath me. Jesse and Justin were across from us.

I fell asleep for most of the drive, but I woke up when I heard Gabe shouting about how close we were to the venue. Excitement was pulsating through my veins, I was finally going to attend Warped Tour! The bus parked and everyone got off to survey the area. I couldn't stop the smile that was spreading across my face. This was summer, this was Warped Tour. The sun was shining, everyone was setting up tents, and soon there would be music, food, and the scent of alcohol and sunscreen lingering on almost every person. Kellin came up next to me and put his arm around my shoulders.

"Take it all in Kay, this is it. The entire summer!" He stood smiling and I turned around to hug him.

A few hours went by and I decided to take a walk. It was a beautiful day, hot but not humid. There was a nice breeze going too. Not too long after I began walking I found the kitchen. A bunch of Warped workers and volunteers were hustling around preparing all of the food.

"Do you guys need any help?" I inquired. A short blonde haired girl looked at me.

"An extra set of hands would be great actually. C'mon back and put on some gloves." I pulled my hair into a bun and went back to wash my hands and put on some gloves. I figured if I was good at baking, this shouldn't be too difficult. I was right. It was a lot different from baking, but fun nonetheless! After everything had been prepared I got to talk to the blonde again. Her name was Alyssa and she was head of the operations.

I took some dirty dishes back to the sink to be washed later when I ran into a tall broad boy. I looked up. No. My eyes had to be deceiving me. It couldn't be. Tall, muscular, brown hair with a red streak, brown it was all wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

He gazed at me. "No way..."

I sat the dishes down on the counter, "N-I can't."

I ripped the gloves off my hands and stormed out of there before anyone even noticed I was gone. There was no way I was talking to him. I seeked out Sleeping with Siren's tour bus and sat down in the grass beside it. Leaning my back against the bus. I just couldn't believe it.

Here we go...again. It was so much more than just a dream to me. Because of him I will never be fine. I let him ruin everything.

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