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I stayed in Kellin's arms for what seemed like an eternity. When he finally let go all I could do was stand there speechless. Kellin spoke first.

"You know...they say distance makes the heart grow fonder.."

"Yeah, I've heard that before.."

"Well I believe it." He smiled that sideways goofy grin that always made a little heat rise to my cheeks and put a smile on my own face.

"Kellin..I don't really want to beat around the bush here. I don't know if you know or not..but I'm done with music and I'm ready to start a new chapter in my life..and if you'd like to be a part of it that would, well I'd really like that."

"I would too."

"We've already been through enough together..I don't think we should try and ease back into things like always and take it slow. I think we should just jump and then fall and see what happens.."

"I think that's a really good idea.. How about this? One date. If it goes well we carry on and if it doesn't well..."

"I'm willing to work with that. So how about a date? Friday perhaps?"

"Oh I'm not sure. I might be all booked up, you may have to wait a month or two..." Kellin scoffed and I laughed, "I'm kidding Friday sounds great!"

"Awesome, I'll pick you up! Same apartment right?"

"Right!" We hugged and said goodbye and I was left wondering what on Earth we'd do on Friday night. On the bright side I just had to get through Thursday and then I'd get to find out!

Thursday dragged on for hours, but when I finally got home from work I made dinner and threw myself into bed. The sooner I went to bed, the sooner I could wake up, get through work, and then spend the rest of the night with Kellin.

Surprisingly my day at work went extremely fast. Which I wasn't too grateful for because I was beginning to get a little nervous. What was I even supposed to wear? I didn't know what we were doing! When I got home I decided to throw on my favorite sweater, it looked nice and it was comfy! I paired it with my leather jacket and I was ready to go. When Kellin pulled up my nerves had hit their peak, when I opened the car door my whole entire arms was shaking with nervous excitement.

"So, what do we have planned for this evening?"

"You'll see!" He smirked as he pulled away from the curb. We spent the entire car ride jamming out and singing along to the pop songs on the radio. As soon as we pulled into the parking lot I knew exactly where we were. The skate rink.

Kellin cut the music and turned off the car. "Ready to skate?"

"You mean ready to skate circles around your ass? You know it." I taunted. I guess he hadn't forgotten that I had taken ice skating lessons when I was younger.

Most of the time Kellin was falling on his ass or trying to play catch up, I was a lot faster than he was and he insisted that he was just as good. At one point Kellin picked up some really good speed and he was actually keeping up, but then he lost his balance and fell forward instead of backward! It turned into somewhat of a belly slide kinda resembling a penguin. I ended up laughing so hard I cried! He picked himself up and kept his dignity intact..somewhat.

I slowed it down after that because I didn't want him to take another face plant, as funny as it was we didn't need any unnecessary injuries. For the rest of the time we just skated next to each other at a steady pace holding hands. But then he turned to me, "How long has it been since you've fallen down while skating?"

"I don't know probably like..7 years? I don't skate much anymore.." He tightened his grip on my hand and tried to yank me down but I held my own and yanked his causing him to lose balance as he went down once more laughing.

"Will you come help me up?"

"Sure!" I giggled as I skated over.

I grabbed his hands and went to pull him up, but he could only get as far up as onto his knees. I tried to help him up the rest of the way but he protested, "Hang on, just lemme hold your hand," I looked at him confused.

"Kay...I remember when we met..things moved really fast and it was great. We went through a lot of shit too but it only made us stronger. We only got to know more about each other and to love each other more. And now I want to be able to love you forever.."

Oh my god is he about to..

"Will you marry me?" I couldn't hold back the tears, I always said I'd never cry if I got proposed to. I was wrong. I felt a warm tear slip out my right eye as I leaned down to kiss him.

"Of course I'll marry you!" I laughed and kissed him again.

"So...is this categorized as a good date?"

I giggled through my tears, "It couldn't have been any better." Kellin stood up and we stood in the middle of the rink engulfed in each other's embrace as if time was frozen like the ice beneath our feet.

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