In Case of Emergency Dial 411

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A/N: I feel awful about the wait, but I'm back! And upon my return seeing that you guys have gotten this story up to 10.5k reads is insane and I just want to thank you guys so much!

When Kellin and I got back to Warped it was time for both of us to go get ready to perform. When I got to the stage I was greeted by Rian and unexpectedly bear hugged by Alex! "Calm down Alex, why so huggy?"

"YOU DON'T KNOW?" I shook my head. "GUYS, SHE DOESN'T KNOW." I was beginning to get worried.

"Alex, what don't I know?" He sighed heavily and put a hand on my shoulder.


"Say it already!" I shouted.

"It's one week until the end of Warped!" A shrill scream escaped his mouth and he burst out into fake over dramatic sobs. Jack walked over to him casually and pulled him into a hug, basically holding Alex up.

"It's gonna be okay, lil buddy.." I felt like I had just walked into another dimension. Freaktown, perhaps. I looked at Jack, I quietly mouthed a few words to him so Alex wouldn't hear.

"Is he alright? Does this happen often?" He simply nodded his head as not to disturb the now strangely quiet Alex. He'd escaped Jack's grip and was standing among us, just watching.

Jack looked over at Zack, "Watch Alex for a minute?" Zack nodded and Jack pulled me aside away from Rian, Zack, and Alex. I was utterly confused. Was Alex really actually upset, or just trying to be dramatic?

Jack laughed and looked at me, "What on gods green earth is so funny? Are you going to tell me what's going on?" He laughed some more causing me to sigh and turn to go check on Alex. Jack grabbed my hand and insisted I stay.

"Ok, ok! Technically, Alex is fine. He just gets really sad when he realized the days at Warped are slowly counting down. We all love Warped! We get to hang out with so many of our friends we don't usually get to see, we get to make new friends, we party, and we get to perform and meet fans. It's like the best thing in the world, so usually when Alex starts to realize we're running out of time he gets really sad for a day and I basically take care of him like I'm his mother, then for the rest of the week he gets really excited and crazy and tries to make it the best last week ever. Which usually includes some alcohol and he usually does something really stupid..but it's pretty awesome! But yes, basically he'll be fine and he will live."

"Ok, good to know. Thanks for finally telling me, oh and make sure I'm there when he does the stupid thing!" Jack and I walked back to everyone else. Alex seemed to be more stable. Just a little. Jack walked over to him, "Are you ready to prepare for the best last week?!" At first Alex looked like he'd crumple up and cry (which was kind of funny to see) then he lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Hell yeah I'm ready! GO WARM UP THAT CROWD LEAH!"

I checked my watch and sure enough it was time for me to go on. The crowd today rocked, hopefully they would help aid Alex is making this his jump start day to having the best last week! Sure enough they had one of the best shows to date on Warped today!

After the show I ran into Austin, who was in a hurry. "Why're you rushing Carlile?"

"I could say the same to you, Carlile!" He winked.

"Seriously though, what's up?"

"Can I ask a question?"

"Sure Austin!"

"Does Alyssa ever...mention me?"

"I KNEW IT! You have little crush on her don't you?!"

"Um, yeah I kinda do.."

"I should've known by the way you look at her, and how you always go to her station at catering! Anyway, yeah she has a few times."

"Really? What did she say?"

"Hmm let's see..Austin is really sweet, I ran into Austin today, Austin really likes coming to my station, Is Austin seeing someone, what is his bands name, and wow look at all of his tattoos!" He smiled bashfully.

"Do you think if I gave her my number or something, it'd y'know, work?"

"I think you've got her wrapped around your finger and you didn't ever know it. You'll be fine!"

"Thanks Leah!"

"No problem!" He turned and walked towards catering. "Austin wait!"

He turned back around, "What?"

"You know there's only a week left right?"

"Yeah? Why, what's up?"

"Just..don't let Alyssa be one of those Warped Tour hook ups I hear about. If you really like her, don't forget about her when Warped is over. I can't imagine seeing Alyssa hurt. She seems so fragile, her tiny stature, light bouncy curls, and shy southern a gentlemen is what I'm getting at. Know what you're getting yourself into.."

Austin nodded, "Don't worry, I completely understand. Trust me, I won't!"

I smiled, "Thanks Austin, now go get her number!" While I walked back to catering for lack of anything else to do I called Kellin to see if he wanted to meet somewhere. Ten minutes later we met up by the busses behind a big oak tree. We just sat there and talked. I really wanted to bring up Warped being over soon. I'd see him less and what would I do? I doubt anybody is lining up to sign Leah Carlile to a record label or have her open up for another band, keeping in mind she only does covers because she can never finish her own songs.

There was a break in conversation, this was my chance! "So..." I did my best to sound casual, "did you know that there's only a week left until Warped?"

"Yeah, I noticed that today! Bummer, huh?"

"Yeah it is! I don't know what I'll do once Warped is over. It's not like I'll open up for All Time Low forever."

"Yeah, but I thought you said you'd come on tour with us?"

"Oh..right. Forgot about that..but what about my music? I really love being onstage, and I think this will be the end of my fifteen minutes of fame."

"Hey, don't talk like that! You've been the talk of Warped half the time! Alex's talented mystery friend! Don't give up, believe! When your hopes and dreams are on the line I'll be right by your side!"

"So you'd support me if I wanted to try to have a career in this? No matter what that means?"

"Of course."

I sighed happily, hopefully he'd be okay with the plan I'm formulating. And not well..I don't know.

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