You shouldn't have left

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Liam's pov

I walked into class on Monday with nothing else on my mine except for Adriana. I hated her I wanted to destroy her.

"Liam I'm surprised you showed your face here", Tracy exclaimed

"Move out of my way bitch", I shoved her off to the side rushing over to Adriana who was talking to mr. Ray our English teacher.

"Soo uh Tyler I was wondering if you could touter me after school today", she ran her finger down mr. Rays shirt trying to make a move.

"Adriana get your ass over here", I pointed to the ground while patting my foot.

"What's wrong Liam, did I do something", she asked yet trying to sound like a innocent child.

"Leave Ceci alone, you worthless tramp", I pushed her away from me, she was trying to grab and hold me like we were still together.

"Liam you might not want to be so rude to me considering I know somebody who knows your secret", she laughed to herself as if she won a sick game.

"What are you-", she cut me off

"I know somebody who could ruin your whole social life, you better check yourself meat head", she stormed off to continue flirting with mr. Ray.

I raced out off the room. Ceci was in gym so I plan to get her out. I marched over to the gym where the girls were playing volleyball.

"Uhh Liam what can I do for you", the coach asked with suspension

"I'm here for Ceci, mr. Ray needs her so she can take a test she missed", I looked over at Ceci. You could tell she was miserable.

"Ceci!", the coach screamed for her. She quickly rushed over to where we were standing.

"Yes coach", she asked with her head down

"Go get dress mr. Ray needs you".

We walked off heading towards the locker room. She continued in while I stood by the door.

"Ok ladies continue your game", the coach turned towards the rest of the girls not paying attention to me. I rushed into the room before she could notice I was gone.

"Liam", Ceci had her head down.

"Ceci, it's going to be fine", I rubbed her back.

She continued getting dress ignoring my touch.

My arms snaked around her waist, twisting her body around to face me. I cupped her face with my rough hands, connecting our lips together. Her hands held my neck and I gripped her waist.

* A year later

Ceci's pov

I sat leaned up against my bed. Staring at the blank wall, my face stained my tears with blood covering my sheets.

"CECI!", Maddie screamed as she burst through my bed room door. "CALL 911", she yelled to my parents downstairs.

She held me in her arms and she cried like me. "Move out of the way", the paramedics pushed Maddie off to the side to take me to the hospital.

"Ceci I'll call Liam", Maddie waved goodbye as I dosed off.

My eyes widened to see my dad sleeping on the couch and Maddie sat next to my bed. "Ceci you're awake", she grabbed my hand rubbing it with her thumbs.

"Your mom went to go get your favorite pillow, she'll be back soon", her eyes teared up as she spoke.


"Liam", I whimpered out

"I'm gonna go get some food", my dad got up from his seat and left. "Me too", Liam and were alone, alone and confused.

"I shouldn't have left", his head rested on my arms.

"Please don't say that, you left for a good reason", I rubbed his head with my hands.

"You're shaking Ceci", he put my arms back to the side of me.

"You left to be on the x-factor, I'm sorry you were called down here when you're really busy because I couldn't control myself", I yelled back to him.

I turned my body out of the bed.

"Ceci please stop", Liam cried out. "Ceci, STOP", he screamed with devastation in his voice.

"I need space", I toke off my gown realizing I was naked. Picking up the clothes that were on the table side I finished getting dress. I had a grey v-neck shirt with skinny jeans. I slipped on my black toms and walked out of the room.

"Come on I'll take you back to my home", Liam grabbed my arm pulling to the parking lot.

I opened the passenger door slipping inside his car. The car ride was silent to his house.

He opened the door pulling my slow body inside. He grabbed my shoulders, I looked down at the ground refusing to stare at him.

"I shouldn't have left you for a year". I gripped his neck staring into the orbs he called eyes. Our lips connecting for a kiss that could ignite the world in flames. I loved Liam Payne and I knew he loved me.



So tada, my hands fell asleep from holding my phone. I'm proud of this chapter just because I can. Any woot I hope you had a good 4th of July. So ✌

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