Doing things we're not use to

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Ceci's pov

It was the next day of school, I was worried to see Liam in the halls mostly because Adriana is with him every second of the day and considering Liam and I had sexual interactions it might be awkward.

It's 3rd period, a class I have with Liam. We don't have assigned seats and can choose where we sit that's why I was surprised Liam sat next to me.

"Hey ceci", he said uncomfortable

"Hello liam", I responded looking down

"I know your proberly uncomfortable right now but-", I cut him off

"But what Liam, if I ever had sex before I wouldn't be uncomfortable, but I am, you toke my virgintiy.", I rolled my eyes to continue my worksheet

"I toke you virginity", he said ashamed

"Why didn't you tell me ceci"

"Because I was scared an didn't want to ruin the moment", I answered

"Losing your virginity is a big deal, you should have lost it to someone you love not someone like me", he putt his head down

"Liam, you have caused me emotional and physical pain I'm still Shocked and surprised of what happened yesterday so give me space and then I'm sure we can get along"


I walked off

"I thought we were getting along", Liam yelled still sitting in his desk.

"Hey girl, where did you go yesterday", Maddie said grabbing me and pulling me into to crowd of people

"Something big happened yesterday, if I tell you can't tell a soul", I pulled her into a corner

"Ok tell me, nobody will find out", she smiled

"Liam and I had sex, then he drove me home"

"That's funny Ceci, but do you think you should be saying that when him and his girlfriend bully you", she didn't believe me so I showed her my love bite on my side next to my boob.

"Holy shit Ceci", she put her hand over her mouth with wide eyes

"I know, and he told me why he treated me so wrong and also he said he loved me"

Then before Maddie could say anything the bell rang for 4th period.


It was 8th period.

The only class I have with Adriana.

"Hey twat", Adriana smirked at me and sat down in the back of the class

"Ok class get out your homework from last night"

I pulled out my work from last night about to pass it up to the front of my row until Adriana grabbed it off my desk.

She erased my name to put hers. Adriana wrote perfect, she had fake nails so her hands looked even more spectacular. She has blonde hair that goes down to her elbows and has a tumblr girl wardrobe. No wonder Liam is dating her.

I still wondered about Liam and if he truly loves, if he did why hasn't he dumped the show dog of Adriana and asked me to be his girlfriend. I didn't want to think that he used me or even worse he was dared to have sex with me.

"Ok class I'm going to be assigning you partners for a project. This is the biggest project of the year and it is due in to months, but don think you can do it last minute because it takes about 2 months. Ok so let me start with partners. Jake and Emily, Sarah and tracy, Adriana and Ceci."

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