Locked up

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Lena's POV
We all walk inside silently and all sat at the Kitchen table Me and Stef sit next to each other with Brandon and Callie across from us. "So how long has this been going on?" I ask "Well we saw each other at Girls United then we broke up at the funeral. Then I kissed Brandon at the fundraiser and then this happened." Callie says.
Stef's POV
Callie's eye wouldn't meet with anyone's at the end She and Brandon didn't tell us everything but I think Lena didn't notice. "What else, you are lying" "nothing" Brandon and Callie say really fast at the same time. "Tell me" "okay well...um at the cabin we both went to bed Marianna was asleep and I went into Callie's room and we uh..." Brandon is saying when Callie cuts him off to get it over with" we had sex" "you two are so stupid you guys are idiots" "stop" Lena says trying to calm me down "rooms now. Your rooms"
Brandon's POV

Before I got into my room I pulled Callie into mine "what are you doing?" She asks I locked my door and we stay in there for a few hours talking about what happened and what To do. Moms were banging on the door but Right now Callie is they only thing I care about its 7:30 we missed dinner but everyone gave up on getting us out I was tired but I wasn't going to go to bed if Callie isn't asleep. We both fall into sleep until morning when someone's banging on the door.
Callie's POV
I wake up in Brandon's arms in his room to banging on the door. "Let me in." We hear but it's not moms it's Marianna. Brandon looks at me and I nod and Brandon opens the door. Marianna jumps into the room and locks the door behind her. "So are you guys just going to live in this room forever like are you going to eat?" She asks "we will leave in a little bit did you hear what happened?" I ask "yeah it didn't take me by surprise like I at least knew Brandon liked you but Callie the only time I thought you liked Brandon was when you asked about Lou awhile ago." Marianna says. "What did you say about Lou?" Brandon asks in a questioning tone before I could answer Marianna says "well Callie asked if you and Lou were together and I said yes and Callie was crying and didn't say anything else." Brandon looks over at me and smiles as he wraps his arm around me pulling me closer to him. "I better go I'm the only one up so I'll go get you guys something to eat so you don't die up here." Marianna says starting to walk out of the room "okay thanks" Brandon says.
Marianna's POV

I walk out of Brandon's room and I'm walking down to the Kitchen and I hear a knock on the door it's Tayla I have no idea what's going on I haven't talk to her since she was dating Brandon. "Hi Marianna" she says "hello what are you doing here?" "Are you the only one up?" "Kinda" "Who is up?" "Me Callie and Brandon but you can't talk to them" "why?" "Reasons I can't tell you but if that was it can I just eat my Breakfast in peace." "Bye" She says leaving and closing the door behind her. I hear a loud scream followed by Brandon running down the stairs with blood and bruises on his face "they took Callie" is all he said I followed him out the door and we jump in his car as I call 9-1-1 and text moms about what happened as we try to find Callie.
Liam's POV
We got her.
This is my longest chapter so far. The promo made me really excited because Brandon and Callie talk and there is jonner😊

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