Chapter 1

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Zendaya's POV

I was leaving the library, when my best friend Bella approached me. "Hey Bella"

"Hey Z!" Bella said excitedly.

"Why are you so excited, were at SCHOOL" I said.

"Well, Tristan told me he had surprise for me at the end of the day!"

"Whoopee" I said sarcasticly. I get annoyed when Bella talks about Tristan. She talks about him 24/7 it's like there's no off button on her.

Then the bell rang and I had to go to Chemistry.

"Hello class take your seats, and Zendaya your lab partner has dropped out of school, so your getting a new lab partner his name is Trevor Jackson" said Mrs.Monroe. Who would drop out with only 3 and half months left of school. Also we'll be college graduates!

"Oh god another annoying lab partner" I said under my breath.

Just then Trevor walked in the classrom. "Mr. Jackson your late! Hope you won't mind staying back and helping me grade papers" said Mrs. Monroe.

Trevor's POV

Great, just what I need, more time with an annoying teacher

Mrs. Monroe told me my new lab partner was Zendaya, and can I say she is Fine.

I sat down next to her, but she didn't even take a glance my way. I tried flirting with her, but she just ignored me

Then I tried my best pic-up line 'Are you from Tennessee, because you're the only Ten I see'?. All she did was roll her eyes and finished all of her assignments. Then got out her iPhone and listened to music.

Zendaya's POV

Trevor was being annoying with all his lame pic-up lines, but he was so atracttive. Not as atracttive as Channing Tatum, but enough for me to be atractted to him in some way.

I listened to music so I could ignore him, it was hard cause I really just wanted to stare at his face

Class was over, so I packed my things and out the classroom door.

I was walking out the door to go to my car when Trevor stopped me half way

"What" I said sounding annoyed, I'm trying to seem like I'm not interested even I think he's so fine.

"Wow you actutally said something to me"

"Your point is..." I said trying to walk away from this conversation

"I was wondering if you wanted to do Chemistry homework at my house?"

"Nah I'll pass"

"But why"

"Because I barely know you, why would I come to your house?" I said then walking away.

"Can I at least get your number?" He asked

I hesitated, but then I said yes

I took out a pen from my backpack and wrote my number on his hand

Trevor's POV

I was so happy I got her number I added her to my contacts.

As soon as I got home I called Zendaya

Call Conversation:

Z: Hello?

T: Hey Zendaya

Z: You called quick

T: Yea uhhh I needed help with my Chemistry homework

Z: Oh yea which question?

T: All of them

Z: OK then

T: Why don't we facetime so you can help me

Z: Fine with me

The Next Day

Zendaya's POV

I was late to school for the first time ever. It was because I was up late facetiming Trevor. After I helped him with his homework I don't know what got in to me, but I talked to him till 3:00 in the morning. On the bright side I got to know all about Trevor and he is a pretty sweet guy and I got look at him for a good 5 hours.

When I got to class, Ms. Monroe said I have to stay after class for being late, and guess who also had to stay after class for being late... Trevor. But luckily for us, Kevin made something toxic and we had to leave the class immediately.

Once I exited the classroom. Bella ran up to me talking about the surprise Tristan told her about. I zoned out just thinking about Trevor.... Wait, Why am I thinking about Trevor. I be need to stop this now, before I fall into deep.

Bella's POV

Zendaya seemed like she wasn't listening to me today. It actutally looked like she was thinking about somebody so I asked

"Who are you thinking about"

"What do you mean" she anwsered clulessly

"Really, oh please I'm not that stupid you weren't even listening to me, you were thinking about somebody and I want to know who it is" I said

"Fine. It's Trevor" she said kinda slow

"Trevor.. cheezy pic-up lines dude, friend to my boyfriend" I said

"Yea, He is really a fuuny, and nice guy once you get to know him" she smiled

"And you've gotten to know him" I said as I raised one of my eyebrows

"Yes, I spent most of the night, last night getting to know him by facetiming him" she said

"awwww" I said

"don't 'aww' me were just becoming good friends"

"That's what they all say" I smirked walking away from her

Trevor's POV

Last night was awesome Zendaya is a great girl. I think I actutally like her more than a friend.

I walked up to my friends Tristan, and Diggy

"Hey Trevor" Tristan and Diggy said

"Hey guys"

"Dude I texted you last night but didn't text back what were you doing?" asked Diggy

"Oh I was facetiming Zendaya"

"That my girlfriend Bella's best friend" Tristan said

"So do you like like her" Diggy asked

"Yea I do, but I think its too soon to ask her out, I mean she's already turned me down when I asked if she wanted to come over and study"

"You're right you don't want scare her away" said Tristan

I decided I should ask her out, but be subtle about it. Before I could text her she texted me.

Z: Hey dude

T: Hey gal

Z: :D what the heck lol

T: So do ya want to help me with my Chemistry homework again, but at Starbucks this time

Z: sure what time?

T: 4:00

Z: K

Trevor's POV

Way to go Trevor! Why didn't you ask her if she wanted to hang out. Now it's not a date, it's a freaking study session.

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