The Real Percy Jackson Story Chapters 1 and 2

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Chapter 1

I was born in San Francisco and placed in foster care five days after my birth because my mother didn't want me. By the time I was five I had been in 43 homes. As you know monsters attack half-bloods and San Francisco is one of the most monster filled places. Every time a monster attacked, it looked like my fault.

On my seventh birthday I was kicked out of my 79th home. I decided I was done being rejected by people who were supposed to take care of me, so I ran away. On my second day away from "home" I fell into a hole and had a sudden instinct to run. When I found a way out I was in NYC. I didn't have time to think about what happened because I was so hungry. I only brought twenty dollars so I couldn't eat anything fancy. I made the best choice of my life going into McDonalds. I got the cheapest stuff I could, sat down, and ate. While I was eating a teenager with ripped up clothes sat down next to me. Of course you are saying RUN but there was something about him that stopped me. He took an envelope out of his pocket, handed it to me, and left.

I was amazed with what was in the envolope.

Chapter 2

Inside of the envolope was $300 and a note saying: Meet me. Follow the trail.

I had absolutely no idea what that ment but in my seven year old mind, I needed to find this person to thank them. I went outside and found a string leading to an ally. I followed it know that you must be thinking, A STRING! HOW DID SHE FIND A SINGLE STRING! AND WHY DID SHE FOLLOW IT! Let me explian. It wasn't a normal string. When I walked outside I heard a voice calling to me. As I tryed to find it, and I found the string. The string was calling for me and I touched it. When I did the whole world looked different.

The ally went away. I was in an open field with a glowing light and calming voice trying to lead me somewhere. I followed it.

After a while of walking, the voice, light, and landscape faded away.

I was in a crowd of teens in old ripped up clothes. As I started to run someone put a hand on my sholder. I don't know why but I just started to cry. The person put thier hand down and I looked at them. She was wearing an old I heart NY tee-shirt under a newer brown (fake) leather jacket. She had jeans with multiple holes in them and old converse shoes. I looked up and saw that she had a large scratch on her face running over her eye.

She knelt down to my level and said sothingly "I'm sorry that I scared you. Assuming from how ya look I am going to assume that you ran away and need a place to stay." I looked down and saw that my clothes where dirty, I had a hole in my right shoe, and that my hands had many scratches. I cryed more and nodded my head. "Follow me." She said.

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