Chapters 10 & 11

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                                                                                          Chapter 10

        All of us left the dining area and headed for the woods. "This is just normal capture the flag right?" I asked Luke. "If you count invisible people, magic objects, and sword fighting normal for capture the flag, then yes." He anwered. "Oh dear" I whispered to myself.

         Chiron said the rules of game "The creek is the boundary line. The entire forest is fair game. All magic items are allowed. I will serve as referee and battlefield medic." Percy gave me a look as if trying to say "Nice knowing ya" He is so encouraging.

       "Go hide you flags!" Chiron said. "This way blue team!" Yelled Luke. After we hid our flag, Annabeth told Percy to go next to the boarder to stop  people from even getting close to the flag. I could tell by the way that she said it that she had something else planned.

       "Hurry up Abia!  That flag isn't going to steal itself!" Then she took out a yancies hat and dissapeared as she put it on. Before I could react from somewhere I heard her yell "This way I know exactly where the flag is!" I followed her, just like almost all the other team members, through the woods. She kept yelling orders at us to make up for the fact that we couldnt see her. We ran to the river and jumped over. We kept following her untill the red team attacked.

      Everyone attacked. A red team member ran toards me, sword lifted high. Then I heard a scream of pain. Then I was looking at Percy and Clarisse by the river. A goon was restraining Percy as Clarrise cut him. In the arm then his leg then started taunting him. I awoke with a sharp pain in my arm. I screamed.

      The red team member was battleing another camper and I was on the ground. My arm felt like it was on fire! There was blood on the grass around me. There was a deep gash is my arm. Then I remembered Percy. I stood up grassping my arm and ram as fast as I could toards the river. I ran over to the blue side and dashed over to Percy's pattrolling area. I looked over to see Clarisse taunting him. I hid behind the nearest tree. 

     Then I heard the same yell that heard before. Then Clarisse cut him in his arm in the same spot I saw. After that she cut him on the same spot on his leg that I saw. I relized that this is the exact moment that I saw. 


                                                                                          Chapter 11

  Clarisse leaned over and tauted Percy. Then he ran out of the Goon's grasp and into the water. Then, to everyones astonishment, the water wrapped around percy and healed him. Clarisse's jaw dropped open and I laughed. I wish I didn't.

      "Hey guys! Its Percy's savior, his little girlfriend! What are you going to do? Smash some pipes with your mind!" Her and her goons all laughed. I charged.  She was expecting it and easly twisted my sword out of my hand. She  punched my arm in the same spot that had the cut. She punched me in the stomach until I fell into the river. Suddenly I felt as if all my senses had doubled. I looked up at Clarisse and charged. 

      She held up her spear that I noticed was electrified. As I ran I knew that the sword would be usless against the spear at the moment. So I dropped it. Clarisse looked temporarly stunned by my choise and I attacked in her moment of confusion. 

     I punched her in the stomach and kicked her leg. Her face was filled with rage. She swung her spear at me and I easly moved before it hit me. I swifly grabbed my sword as she swung again.  I held up the spear with my sword. She kept pushing on the sword with her spear. Then Percy ran over and snapped the end of Clarisse's spear off.

     I looked over and saw that Percy had defeated the other members from the Ares cabin. "IT'S A TRAP!!! THE FLAG!!" She pointed over at Annabeth as she jumped over the river with the red team's flag. 

     Percy went over to her and said something I couldn't hear. All the blue team members were throwing up thier helmets. The red team members were throwing down thier weapens in in rage. Then we heard it. A long and low growl.

     A black hound the size of a rhino, with lava-red eyes and fangs like daggers was standing on the top of a rock looking directly at Percy. For a moment no-one did anything as they stared at eachother. Then Chiron drew his bow. The hound jumped stright onto Percy. I charged.


   The hound was scratching and biting at Percy. I jumped onto its back. The hound stopped killing Percy and threw me off its back. It restrined me with its paws. I showed no fear as the hound was on me. I looked into the hound's eyes. We just sat there staring at eachother. I reached up my hand to scratch its paw.  The hound's death stare turned into one of a lost puppy. He got up off me. I stood up and scratched his chest. Everyone was staring with awe in thier eyes. 

      "Not everything is exactly how it looks." I was telling them all. "You were all prepaired to take this hound's life. This hound has a right to live just as much as me or you. Maybe you all should stop just killing things, and give them a chance to show you who they really are. I mean look at this puppy.  Go on home boy." And the hound gave me a big wet kiss and left. 

       I relized that Percy was all bloody and lying on the ground. I ran over to him. "Come on get up! Hurry people! Help me get him to the river!" People looked bewildered but still helpped me get him to the river. I carried him into the river. The water rushed up around us and healed his wounds and healed my few scratches.

     Annabeth walked over to us. "Oh, Styx," she cursed. "This is not good. I didn't want...I assumed it would be Zeus, for both of you."  We both stepped out of the water and I felt faint. Then something started to foarm above my head. A trident appeared above my head. I looked over at Percy and saw the same thing happening  to him. All the campers bowed. Even Clarisse.


Disclaimer: I only own Abia (and Aegeus in other parts). All other characters belong to Rick Riordan



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