The Real Percy Jackson Chapter Six

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                                     Chapter 6

        Aegeus wasn't a bad driver but was defiantly not a good one. "So, one of my parents is a god." I said as I looked over at him. He looked at me, then back at the road. "Yes. It is kind of hard to process isn't it?" 

"Well yeah. You said it has been ten years since you drove a car. Wouldn't that make you be two when you last drove a car?" He looked as though I had hit a touchy subject."Would you mind if we pulled over while I tell you this?" I shook my head and he pulled over with a little difficultly. Aegeus got out of the car and I followed him. 

        We where in the woods when he finally stopped. "I didn't want to tell you because then you might view me differently. I.... I.... I'll show you." He took off his pants to reveal that the lower half of his body was a goat. "I'm half God and you are half goat. Aegeus, don't be ashamed to be who you are." I didn't mean to be romantic but I put my hand on his cheek when I said those things. As he started to talk, I put my hand down. He said " Let's get to camp. There are many other stayrs like me there." He said. I didn't find out why he was ashamed until much later.

        Ehen we where back on the road Aegeus explained things to me. "Satyrs age half as fast as humans. So at this point in time I feel 12 but I am 24. Last time I drove was when I felt 7."  "So, how much longer is it till' camp." I asked "Well, that's ironic." He aswersed. "What" I said confused. "We just showed up at the forest outside camp as you asked that." Then we heard something comming towards the woods. "Keep going!" Yelled a woman. Aegeus said hurriedly "Get out now! That's Grover and Percy! Hurry!" 

        I grabbed our bags and ran with Aegeus over to Grover and Percy. Then I  heard it. 

        A roar so load I thought the buildings would tumble down. We ran. I'm not sure I was even this scared when we ran from the cops back on NY. I know I had seen the rainbow message and I knew goat people were real, but I freaked out when I found out what it was.

        "The Minotaur is right behind us! Keep going!" Said the woman "WAIT! MINOTAUR! AEGEUS IS THIS REALLY HAPPENING!" "It is Abia! So if you want to live, run!" Aegeus told me "I see camp up ahead! We are almost there!" Said Grover. Then the woman stopped. "Keep going. I can't enter the camp. Then Grover simply tripped on a root and hit his head. Just like that he was unconsious. "You have to carry him mom" Said Percy. We ran slower but made it to camp. Aegeus quickly grabbed Grover and and by a tree, then kept going. I followed him, then saw that Percy wasn't comming. I heard a roar come from close. "Hurry Percy!" I yelled at him. "I won't leave you mom!"Then I saw the Minotaur.

        He was charging toward us. "Hurry mom!" He was pulling her along. " I can't enter camp! The Minotaur is after you! Not me! Keep going! I'll be fine!" Said Percy's mom. "Come on! I don't want to die and I think you don't either!" I grabbed his hand and pulled "Move quickly. I'll be fine.!" She turned around and distracted the Minotaur. The Minotaur grabbed her and squeezed her. She turned into a golden light then disappeared. "NOOOOOO!" Yelled percy. He turned around and uncapped a pen. To my surprise the pen turned into a full size sword.

                            Chapter 7 

        He charged at the Minotaur. I wanted to help but I didn't have a weapon. Then all of then all the sudden, I had a sword in my hand. I didn't know how, but I had the sword. So I charged. I stabbed the Minotaur in the leg, causing him to scream in pain during that split second of pain, Percy stabbed him in the side. We swung at him but only ocassionally did we cut him. Then he swung his arm at me.

        I hit the ground hard. When I opened my eyes, the world was blurry. I stood up because I knew Percy wouldn't be able to fight the Minotaur alone. I walked up behind the Minotaur and stabbed it in the back. I fell down. Percy ripped through the Minotaur's side with something that looked like a dagger. The Minotar turned into dust and blew away. Percy fell down. I crawled over to him and we helped each other get past the tree we got five feet past the tree and both passed out.

        When I woke up I was in some sort of hospital. I tried to sit up but someone said "Here. Drink this. Don't sit up." The drink tasted like a mix of all the sodas I'd ever had.  It was wonderful. "What is..." I started to say. "Sleep." Said the voice and I was asleep again.

        The next time I woke up Aegeus was by my bed. He looked as though he wasn't expecting me to be up as he looked over at me. "Well...Your awake." I was about to get up but then I slept again.

        The last time I woke up it was Percy sitting beside me. "You saved my life and I don't know your name. Why didn't you save yourself and run over the boarder?" Percy said. "Well Percy, my name is Abia Elez. I don't know why I didn't leave. I just felt like I could help and a sword appeared. Are you sure this isn't just a wierd dream I am going to wake up from?" I said. "I already asked the people here that. I have only been up for two hours and I am already overwhelmed with what is in the camp." He said

        I stood up with a little difficultly and went toward the window. There where satyrs walking around and people sowrd fighting. That's it. I told myself. This IS a dream.

Next part soon!

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