Lightning Flash

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"Great another stupid high school." I muttered to myself while I worked my way through the crowd of students who seemed overly eager to be here. A group of people caught my attention more then the others. They all were smiling and talking, the girl in the front with the blood red hair seemed to be arguing with a blond haired girl each one was holding on to a lanky brown haired dude's arms. The others in the group were a smaller grey haired girl, a girl with regal features and blue hair, a blonde guy with a creepy smile and lastly a raven haired beauty which seemed to be staring back at me with a smile. Wait...What!? Sure enough she was looking back at me.

I wasn't used to being looked at by a nice looking girl, don't get me wrong I'm not bad looking myself I guess. I'm fairly well built with a lightly toned chest and features but other then that I'm just a normal nerd.

Turning away I walked toward the large ugly colored school. One thing I despise about moving was all the damned schools I had to attend. For some reason I felt as if that girl was still staring at me but focusing on what's in front of me I kept walking.

I trucked through my first five classes and now I sat out side picking at my lunch. "Dude give it back if Rias knows I have a picture of her bongos she'll kill me!" I watched as the brown haired guy from this morning ran after the blond. "Those two are idiots." Came a voice from beside me. Turning quickly I looked up right into the eyes of a smiling girl. "Hi. My name's Sherry Numock, it's nice to meet you new kid." I nodded and tried to ignore her but sitting down beside me she continued to talk. "So where did you come here from?" She asked, her bright blue green eyes gleamed with almost a mesmerizing effect, "Umm...America." I responded absent mindedly. Her smile was so beautiful. Ok no that's where I caught myself, I refuse to fawn all over a girl especially one I just met.

Standing I packed up my lunch, "It doesn't matter where I'm from. I won't be here long anyway." Walking away I glanced over and could have swore I saw that raven haired girl again. "Would you like to get some tea after school today and get to know each other better? I just moved here to." The girl who called herself Sherry asked while walking along beside me. Shrugging I nodded, really I couldn't see what harm it could do. I could at least be nice while I'm here. Giggling she smiled,"Great we'll meet at the gates of the school after school."
"Ok..." with one last smile she walked off toward her class. I couldn't shake the feeling like something wasn't right.

The sun was starting to set which caused the sky to turn a beautiful shade of orange. Students were pouring out the front gates of the school as I waited. "Touch me and I'll rip off your dangly bits perv." Glancing over I watched as the same group of people exited minus a few. Two guys and two girls were walking home, "You seem really interested in them." I jumped as Sherry just randomly appeared at my side. Her short choppy black hair swayed slightly as she moved. Again there was that drawl toward her. Waving her hand in front of my face I shook my head, "Sorry. You were saying?" I asked. Blushing she pointed down the road, "There's a nice cafe just two roads down. Wanna head there?"

Nodding we started walking side by side down the sidewalk. Niether of us said anything at first, I never really went out of my way to get to know anyone. She wasn't bad looking, she wore little to no make-up. Not that she needed any, her skin was pale and void of blemishes. "It's a little embarrassing that you keep staring at me..." she muttered. Looking away quickly I ended up getting that weird feeling again. What was this feeling....

"You know now that I think about it I never got your name." She said while her cheeks turned pink. "I'm Alaxander Moon." She took my hand and shook it. Her smile was so warm and inviting. "Oh look we're here." The cafe seemed to be almost empty when we walked in. A girl with her hair up in a ponytail stood behind the counter, "Welcome. What may I get you?" While Sherry scanned the menu I was looking around and saw the girl with the raven hair. Something about her seemed off... "I'd like the mocha sugar rush please. How bout you Alex." she asked. Her eyes held my gaze, "Um....How about the mint hot chocolate." We took our seats and waited for our drinks, the sky outside started to turn grey looking as if it could start snowing or raining any time. "It's beautiful right?" Sherry asked. She say with her hands perfectly folded on the table before her.

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