Healing Touch

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Humming, the thing I blacked out to is what I woke up to. At first I could have swore it was my alarm clock but when I rolled over and reached out to hit the darned clock my hand was met with something warmer and softer. Opening my eyes I saw the raven haired girl laying next to me and if that's not weird enough she was completly naked. Looking at where my hand was and the smile on her face I was really confused. "Why are you here? In my bed....naked?" I asked.

Now I know what all you guys are thinking, stop complaining and enjoy but I'd like to know why this girl is here. "To heal you of course. After your little spout with that nasty ice angel you got hurt and blacked out. To help you heal I brought you back here." for the life of me I couldn't picture her picking me up and bringing me here....to my house....."Hold up how'd you know I live here?" I asked while sitting up which was a mistake. For some reason if her being naked wasn't bad enough now I was to. "I helped her find that out. I hope you don't mind I figured you'd be more comfortable in your own house then anywhere else." Came the voice of the red head that I saw on my first day.

Covering myself up I scooted as far from them as I could get. "Sorry introductions are in order. My name is Rias Gremory, and this is my queen Akeno who's seemed to taken a liking toward you hopefully that means she'll leave my Issei alone now."
"Oh he's old news. I have found the one I was waiting on." Akeno said then turned back toward me. "Would you please get some clothes on. And you Rias....why are you here?" I grumbled.
She laughed, "Akeno is my queen and can handle herself but seeing as how your going to become part of our group and your now my Knight it's only right that I check on you as well." Glancing back at the now fully dressed Akeno I shook my head, "I am not joining any groups. I won't be here very long but thanks for saving me I guess....I don't know how you did it but..."

"Because we're devils sweetie. And now you are to." Akeno said.
"You even have the wings to prove it." on cue black bat like wings sprouted from my back. "Now you don't have to join our group if you don't want to...we won't force you but it's the safest place for you. I already told everyone to expect a new person in our group. Kiba was excited to meet my new knight and Akeno really wants you there." Rias said. She spoke to me as if she was a mother talking to a child. "Look I'm not joining you people. Devil's or not I'll make my own way. Sorry to disappoint now could you please leave." I said.

That was a week ago, now I'm back in class staring out the window being bored out of my mind. The weird thing is no one seems to remember Sherry, it's like she never existed. "That's all for today class. Be sure to do pages fifty to fifty six." The teacher said while dismissing us. Finally the day was over maybe now I could relax. Gathering my stuff I walked down the hall when I felt a presence behind me. Fighting the feeling to bring out my sword I turned around and caught my pursuers off guard. It was the blond kid and brown haired lanky dude that was with Rias and Akeno.

"Can I help you?" they looked over at each other than the blond smiled and stuck out his hand. "Hello. I'm Kiba and this is Issei. We're part of..."
Rolling my eyes I cut them off, "Your with Rias and the devil group, yeah I know. Stop bothering me I'm not joining your group." I growled.
"Dude it's ok I was freaked at first to but Rias and everyone takes care of each other. So..."
"No! I'm not scared and I'm not joining your stupid club." I said a little too loud.

Walking away before I could say anything else I left them there. The air was still cold when I stepped outside, the wind seemed to cut right threw me. The other students walked out on their way home or with friends, but me I just stood there feeling like something was missing. Walking down the stairs I had just walked passed the school's gates when a voice said, "Hello."
Akeno stood there with a smile.

Sighing I walked by her but that didn't stop her. She started walking beside me, sighing I rolled my eyes. "Look Akeno I'm thankful you saved me but I am not joining your group." Catching me off guard with a giggle she continued to stay beside me. We looked like a normal couple while walking down the sidewalk. Neither of us said anything which was nice, oddly enough it was nice to have someone here with me.

Walking by the coffee shop I visited yesterday I sighed. "Ok why are you following me around?" I asked while I waited for the train. She stood beside me wrapped in a black jacket. Her raven colored hair was long even tho it was in a ponytail. She was very beautiful even tho I refuse to admit it. "I like you, more than I've ever liked anyone. It's only natural that I want to stay by your side." she replied. My train pulled up and the doors hissed while they opened. Looking over at her I rubbed the back of my head, "Well...umm this is where I leave..." I muttered. Then she did something I didn't expect, she stood on the tip of her toes and kissed my forehead, "Ok. Be careful on your way home." with that she walked off.

I figured that the rest of my day would be boring but not was I wrong. Getting off the train was normal, walking home was normal but that's when it happened. I stood at my front door fiddling with the keys to get my door open when out of the corner of my eye I saw something coming right at me. Taking a step back I held my hand up and blocked a kick, pushing the person backwards I watched as they did a backflip. The person had short light blue hair, wore glasses and glared at me.

"Who are you and what do you want?" I asked. He fixed his glasses then dusted off his shirt even tho there was no visible speck of dirt to be seen. "It matters not who I am. Your pretty tough for a human, No normal person could have blocked it without damage. Who are you or better yet...what are you?" He asked.
"Just your friendly neighborhood asshole." I replide with attitude. Fixing his glasses again he smirked, "Your under the protection of the Gremories? Hmm sadly I don't care about such things."
"Yeah whatever. I don't need anyone's protection. If you want to try to fight me all I can say is good luck." Taking a fighting pose he smiled, I'll gladly take you down devil scum." Finally some excitement, reaching my hand out I felt the familiar heat of the black flames then the weight of my sword in my hand. "Hope your ready." I said.

To be cont....

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