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"Boost!" Issei's left arm said while lighting up. We attacked in synch, the angle still managed to dodge all of our attacks. "Haven't you had enough yet? Niether of you can hit me."
"Oh yeah! Take this!! Dragon shot!" A beam of green energy shot from Issei right at the angel, "Heh, nice try. Reflecting sheild." A circle of light formed in front of him, the beam bounced off and sailed right at me. It hit me before I could dodge, instead of blowing me away I ended up absorbing it. Doubling over in pain I gritted my teeth, this was his plan. He's going to use all my friends powers against me. Now what Raphael said makes sense. 'Try not to kill off any of your friends, it sure would be a shame.'

Issei touched my shoulder, "Dude you ok?" Pulling away I scrambled as far away from him as I could manage. "Issei stay away....I'll end up absorbing your power and go out of control...I can't let that happen." I said.
"Oh but you can. It's easy, just allow the darkness in." The angel said. I stood up and glared at him, I breathed heavily. "It won't control me! I won't let it!" The angel appeared in front of me, a shaft of light erupted to life in his hand. "Well too bad guess you'll just have to die." He shoved it right into my stomach. I fell backwards into the ground gasping for breath. "No! Damn you!" Issei yelled. From the sound of it he was now fighting the angel, and the other's must have just shown up given the screaming.

My vision was swimming somewhere between dark and light, voices echoed around me but the pain in my stomach started to subside. "We're almost ready." came a voice from the darkness. A girl with long midnight colored hair appeared from the dark, she smiled. Lights twinkled in her hair like stars, "Who are you?" I asked.
"Tsk. Tsk. We've been together for such a long time now. I my dear am the demon of silence or so they call me." She said. I stared at her, nothing about her appearance screamed demon. "Wait I'm a devil yet you say your a demon aren't they the same thing?" I asked.
"They are most certainly quite different. Demons are stronger then mear devil's, technically you've been a demon before you became a devil but let's not dwell in the past dear. Right now we should discuss weather you wish to live or die."

"What the hell kind of question is that? Of course I want to live my friends need me." I argued. She floated around behind me then closer, touching my stomach she raised and eyebrow. "I'm not sure we can even survive such a brutal wound."
"Let me ask you a question. Why show you're self now of all times?" Off in the distance voices echoed, she glanced in the direction they came from. "I only appear when you most need me, Heh Heh I'm guessing this is one of those moments." she treated this as a joke which pissed me off. "Well send me back!" I demanded, her dark purple eyes widened slightly. "Are you asking for my help? How curious. You've always been quite the interesting human. If you wish for my help it will cost you."
"Cost me what? My soul? Like that matters." Her laughter echoed threw out the dark, "No no. Not your soul. The cost is something more important. If you accept my help it will mean you giving yourself up to the darkness. You could lose yourself and even hurt or kill those so called friends of yours."

I hesitated, this may be exactly what that angel wants but I couldn't very well just leave it to my friends. It was my mess and if it meant using the darkness to get back then I would and I would stay myself no matter what. "Alright. I accept." she smiled then hugged me close, "Very well. I look forward to seeing how this plays out, you've just absorbed enough power from the Twighlight healer to awaken. Use the power wisely." Winking at me I felt myself be launched upward.

Third person pov

An explosion sent Issei, Kiba and Koniko flying back. "I hate how I have to soil my hands with your devil's blood but since my first plan didn't work out I have no choice." He glanced over to where Rias, Xenovia, Gasper, Asia and Akeno sat with Alexander's head on her lap. Tears fell freely from her eyes, she rubbed his head in rhythm. Asia worked hard to heal him but he was fading fast. "You devil's are so easy to break." The angel said.
"Who are you exactly!" Xenovia asked. "Heh babe I'm Gadrel. And..." Rias interrupted him, "You have harmed one of my friends and trusted pieces for that you will pay with your life." she blasted him.

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