Sixteen: Goodbye.

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Gerard had later found out that Nalis's real name was Annalisa. Along with Angie's real name which was Angalisa, they were twins. Lynz name was Lindsey and Jamia was the only one who told her real name. Her nickname was Mia, and she happened to be Frank's favorite. Gerard was on the side stage where Frank would watch the girls die. Gerard would actually not do anything to the girls, in fact he told Brendon what to do. He would sit in the shadows watching Frank's expression, just to see how he felt for them.

There was only three, Jamia had lost too much blood from her injury. Frank was devastated, but when Gerard appeared he kicked her. Pretending that her death didn't bother him, Gerard knew exactly what happened.

Jamia wasn't dead. Frank was pretending she was, and so Gerard was angered. Frank just couldn't let go of Jamia, because that was who had comforted him whenever he felt bad. He didn't love her, he just liked the attention.

He let it slide, because Gerard going to come one day and Frank would be devastated. Jamia would be no more, Gerard watched how Frank looked at the girls bodies. They were dead, and they were not going to rest in peace, they were going to rest in pieces. Gerard was trying to show anger and total badass emotions.

He couldn't, so instead he sat down in his separate little room. He cried because he missed his family, he misses his dad. He missed the people that he loved, and most importantly he misses his old life.

The mayor was sitting in the sofa, watching some lame tv series. The mayor was heavily looked up to, someone strong and passionate about freedom. In the basement lived a family that was slowly dying of neglect. That was the mayors family, he would shove them in the basement and neglect that he had a family. He absolutely hated them, he absolutely hated Gerard. He was stuck in a situation where he had to care for his friend's family, he was okay with at first. That was until he had to treat them like as if they were a real family. Gerard and Mikey, were brothers, and the mayor didn't want anyone bothering him about going outside to play. He didn't want to deal with their mothers nagging and mood swings. Finally tired of everything, the mayor pushed them down the basement and locked the door. Mikey lost a lot of weight, making it hard for him to help his mom and his brother. Gerard would barely eat, giving the food to Mikey and his Mom.

Mikey was the only one that gave them a reason to live, Gerard was planning to do something and get them out of the place. It took months to plan, and with outside help he managed to pull it through. He would rely on Ray Toro to get information and weapons.

Gerard murdered everyone in the house, burning corpses and killing the mayor. He gave the family enough money to escape and make a living in a different place. They told him that they would flee to New Jersey, and that if he ever escaped to go to the address they gave him. Gerard didn't remember or keep the address.

Gerard head Frank in the hallway, speaking to Cali.

"She's not dead?!" Cali whispered, he could hear a shush from Frank.

"I want to show Gerard how much I like him, I think he would love seeing Jamia at the wedding. I don't know, I just have a feeling he would enjoy seeing her suffer." Frank said.

Gerard smiled, Frank loved him and he felt slightly bad for judging his actions.

"Don't you think that's a bit messed up?" Cali said.

"I love that part of Gerard! He's perfect for me! I know he's weird but so am I!" Frank explained, Gerard was smiling.

"Boss! We found the two traitors!" Marci said. Gerard heard them go down and got up to see what they were talking about.

Frank was outside having two traitors who finally have been caught on the floor. Gerard exited the room, and looked for Frank. He had to take his anger and sadness on something else.

When he walked in it didn't take long for Gerard to process what was happening. He ran up to Frank and punched him in the jaw. Frank moved back a step and was ready to attack, he turned to see Gerard crying on the floor with the two other persons.

"Gerard! Get away from them." Frank sneered. Gerard turned to him and Frank wanted to melt into the ground. He saw Gerard's soulless eyes, the light behind his eyes were nowhere to be seen. He was empty, he became a void, and Frank didn't like that.

"Gerard? Is that you?" The girl said. Gerard's eyes welled up and hugged her.

"Ye-s mo-om, it's b-been so long? Wh-y are y-ou here?" Gerard's stuttered.

"It's Mikey, h-he's in a c-coma. He was shot and h-he was just a in-nocent bystander. Ray was mad, he attacked and killed the guy who s-shot him." His mom explained.

"G-Gerard, I tried my best to save Mikey." Ray said. Gerard looked at him, his eyes welled up again.

Gerard couldn't handle it. He screamed, he fell to the ground grabbing his hair and yanking it. He banged his head on the floor and was pulling at his hair. He was having a total meltdown, he was screaming and thrashing. Frank tried to calm him, but only resulted in getting slapped. Gerard was on a rampage, and with no more care in the world he stormed upstairs where he knew Frank was keeping Jamia.

Frank looked at his men. "Bring the tranquilizer dart, we can't stop this the good way."

Gerard stormed in to see Jamia watching TV a smile on her face. She turned to see Gerard, she opened to her mouth to insult him but stopped. She whimpered, Gerard was like a empty shell, his eyes dark expression cold and a sinister smile on his face. He walked towards her pushing her down before grabbing the remote and slamming it against her head. He began to brutally beat her with the remote, she was bleeding everywhere. She was unconscious in seconds but Gerard didn't care, he lost his mind at the moment. When he stopped he walked out to see Frank and his men, he looked at Frank in eyes.

"Why did you lie to me Frank? Do you not care enough? Why did you lie to me when I gave so much for you? What changed Frank?" Gerard said.

Frank was hit with memories, he saw in a flash what Gerard did for him. It was two days after their date, Gerard was stabbed and Frank was knocked out. He didn't recall anything, but what he did recall was that Gerard was being distant after that. Frank not being able to recall that thought it was because of what they did.

He felt terrible, because he had completely discarded that Gerard had taken a blow for him. He was over here having fun with his whores. Frank fell to the ground and told his men to take Gerard to infirmary.

Jamia was bleeding, and Frank told them to take her away. No matter what, he was going to have this plan turn out perfectly.

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