The Present Part 2 - Chapter Three

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I never knew you guys were so interested in this fanfic! I'm sorry when I don't carry on but it because I have a life too and I sometimes have school or a problem in my life. Anyway - I'll carry on with this so don't worry I won't give up on you guys

No Ones POV

You open your eyes just as Asriel, your best friend, gives you a tiny box-present. As you open it you see, that inside it was... "Ahh! Asriel!!" You jump up, screaming, and hug him so much. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so so so so much Asriel!" You grab a small necklace with the word (insert Asriel X (y/n) ship name) and little gaming icons by the side, it was also covered in the shiniest of stars that you'd ever seen. It. Was. Amazing! Surely the best treasure you'd ever had from him. He rubbed the back of his neck and blushed slightly. "I-It's okay Y-Y/N... T-'Twas Noth-Nothing." He smiled awkwardly all his confidence stripped away. You grin, shoving the necklace into his hands and spinning round. "Please can you put my treasure on me?"

He laughs, unsure, but asks you to hold up your hair while he attaches the necklace together. "All done!" He proclaims. You laugh and fall backwards into his lap. "Okay, so what we doing now Asriel??" You quiz, bending your neck backwards and looking at him. He thinks then remembers the food - "Oh! We have food! That I laid out... Over there." He says pointing to a small-ish table with cutlery, soviets, roses and dishes. "I-I make the f-food now? If you w-want you can g-go play on my Xbox 1??" He says, more as questions than statements. You nod happily and move to his living room that had his Xbox in.

Your POV

I go into the living room. It looked amazing with the little gaming souvenirs and all. Quickly, I ran to the Xbox, picked up one of the two controllers, turned on the Xbox and jumped onto a bean bag. Comfy. As. HELL. Once it turned on I logged in as Asriel and played a game - Undertale? "What's that..?!" I say out loud rather clearly. "Hmm??" Asriel replies, walking into the room with a 'Kiss The Cook' apron on. When I looked at it I tried to keep in a laugh, failing badly.

No Ones POV

He turns round an looks at you. "What? Is it my sexy apron?" He says, laughing.
"Yes m'lady tis the apron. And it is rather sexy if I do say so myself." You say sarcastically. Asriel rolls his eyes and turns to the screen. "What's what? That game?? Undertale?" He asks. You only nod in reply. "Well it's a game aaaaaaand... That's all I know bout it." He sighs as you do and walk off. "Guess I'll just play this then.." You say as you click a completely different game to Undertale. "Ah! Black Ops 3, that's more like it."

That a good enough chapter for you guys? It's longer than usual sooooo, yeah. - Emily

A rose in a bush of thorns - Asriel X Reader    [CONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now