Chapter one

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It was a cold and festive autumn day. A slight cold breeze brushing by, carrying red,orange, and brown leaves up into the sky. Tree branches swayed back and forth, as if dancing to the winds tunes.

"Oh come on Simon! It'll be F-U-N!" Bodil shouted, running in circles around an annoyed Simon. "We were just here the other day, so what's there to do?" Simon questioned, Bodil smiled as he held up a poster of the amusement park they had just gone to the other day. But in the corner of the poster it read "Opening new funhouse Oct. 25th!"

      "Is that what you wanted to see?" Simon asked curiously, Bodil nodded "you don't have to be so angry today, I'm paying for it so all you have to do is be here." Simon glared at his friend. "Your the one who woke me up early using a bucket of ice cold water!" Bodil giggled as he walked a little ahead Simon.

   "Just imagine it as a very late ice bucket challenge?" Bodil added, Simon had to keep himself from hitting the Bulgarian in the face right then and there. But since people were around walking, he couldn't.

    Simon watched as Bodil happily walked over to the ticket booth, purchasing a few tickets for some rides and of course the fun house. Simon buried his cold hands into his coat pockets, "let's go Simon!" Bodil shouted, waving at him as he waited impatiently for Simon to get his butt on over.

   Sighing, Simon followed Bodil into the amusement park, there were people everywhere. The staff who worked at the park had on Halloween costumes since it was nearly Halloween. Pumpkins where spread all around the park, as well as other Halloween decorations. Simons eyes scanned the many booths filled with fun mini games and snacks like popcorn or cotton candy.

   "Look! There it is!" Bodil cheered as he pointed up ahead to a huge building that surely wasn't here the other day. "What'd they build this so fast?" Simon muttered, following Bodil to get in line. Simon wasn't a fan when it came to scary things.

Honestly, Simon had no idea why he even agreed in coming to a Halloween festive funhouse. Wouldn't it be scary? Would people jump out at you? Simon looked down at his brown boots, worried.

Simon could just hear the faint screams of people inside, as well as laughter. He gulped, not wanting to take another step into that place. The line in front of them wasn't long either so there was no stalling, even if he said that he needed to use the bathroom Bodil would probably make him go in first.

    "...Simon? Are you okay, you look pale?" Bodil asked, concerned. Simon nodded as he glanced at the fun house. Bodil followed his gaze then smiled. "Simon you don't have to be scared you know. I'll be right by your side the whole time anyways." Bodil explained, trying to comfort Simon he best he could. Simon looked at him doubtingly, "promise?" Simon asked, Bodil smiled and put and arm around Simon. "Of course I promise!" But somehow Bodil was doubting that as well.

Maybe he should of just went on his own? He knew Simon would be scared but it was Halloween and stuff, it would be fun right? Bodil hoped that Simon wouldn't freak out before they even got into the place.

"Next!" Simon and Bodil both walked up, Bodil being the one handing the tickets to the employee. "Are you sure you want to go in?" The man asked, Bodil nodded as Simon only tried to hide a little behind him.

"Well then, you may go in if you dare." With that Simon was pushed forward by Bodil whom was following from behind since the door way wasn't very large for two people to walk in at once. "But that guy said..." Simon was nervous, Bodil only patted his friends back, "It's almost Halloween, he must be trying to scare us."

"Wow! This is so cool!" Bodil laughed as he looked at the checkered floor and fake puppets that hung,by string, on the ceiling above.  Simon however just wanted to leave as fast as possible, he hated puppets and clowns.

"Bodil your not supposed to touch the puppets!" Simon said, rushing over to stop Bodil from touching a clown puppet, Bodil pouted as he pulled his hand away. "Your no fun Simon, it's not like anyone else is here anyways." Simon crossed his arms, "c'mon lets just go to the next room." Simon held onto Bodil's hand as he dragged him to the next room. Which was surprising, just a hall of mirrors.

"Hey Simon check it out!" Bodil said as he ran up to one of the mirrors out of many that lined up the dark hall way. Simon shivered as he looked at himself in one of the mirrors that made him look very fat, then he walked to the next that made him look very skinny.

He turned to face Bodil whom was laughing his ass off at how funny he looked in one of the mirrors. Simon nearly face palmed at Bodils child like manner, he wouldn't doubt that many of his friends would laugh at the same thing.

But Simon couldn't shake off this feeling of uneasiness that surrounded him. He glanced around, suddenly feeling sick. "Hey Simon this one makes me look tiny!" Bodil said as he ran a little down the row of mirrors.

Simon tried to stay positive as he looked at one of the mirrors, making him yell in surprise, he saw his own reflection but it was covered in blood...!? What sort of mirror was this? Bodil turned to him, confused. "Simon? What, did you get jump scared?" Bodil teased.

"T-there was something in that m-mirror!" Simon stuttered, Bodil tilted his head as he looked in at the mirror. Only to see him and Simon, nothing was off. "I don't know Simon, maybe your imagination is running wild or something. There's nothing odd with this mirror." Bodil said, laughing softly. ((Is that even possible?))

"What but I'm not lying! There was something there!" Simon shouted, he didn't know why but he suddenly felt all this anger flow through him. He had a sudden urge to kick Bodil against a mirror but he held it back.

Bodil looked at Simon, worriedly. "Simon? Why are you so mad suddenly? I was just joking." Simon clenched his fists, feeling like he someone else was controlling the way he acted. "S-Shut up! You know I hate scary things yet you tease me about it! Then you don't comfort me when I'm actually scared! What sort of friend are you, stupid!" Simon yelled bitterly.

Bodil stayed silent, at a loss for words. "You should just go home then...geez, I just wanted to..." Bodil didn't even bother on finishing his sentence, he instead went to go look at another mirror, walking away from Simon.

Simon felt like a huge weight fall off his shoulders, all that anger was gone in an instant. But that wasn't him saying that, he wasn't angry he wasn't...Simon went to go tell Bodil he was sorry but paused.

There was a big sudden stinging pain in his head. Simons vision blurred as he looked ahead, he couldn't see Bodil anymore, he couldn't see the mirrors either.

Simon held his head, it felt like it was getting spilt open by a hammer. He leaned back against one of the mirrors, he tried to speak but nothing came out. "B.....dil..." Simon suddenly felt light headed. Be swayed slightly, trying his best to not fall to the ground.

An arm reached out from one of the mirrors behind him, grabbing onto Simons arms. Simon gasped and struggled, but he couldn't see. "...n-no..." Simon tried to grab onto something but then felt a force push him back into the mirror. Back away from his friend, away from the exit, away from...anyone....


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