Chapter three

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The door slammed shut with a slight clicking noise, Bodil held his arm as small drops of blood fell to the floor. He had been hit right when he ran through, but at least he wasn't dead.

Bodil shakily stood up, looking ahead he could see a yellow door reading "Room Of Illusions" just by the name alone, Bodil could tell what was up next.

But when he remembered Simon, it was like all his fear went away. So using the amount of courage he had, Bodil pushed open the yellow door. The room was more like a hallway, yellow and black stripes were painted on the wall in a way that when you walked, the lines looked like they were moving.

It was very quiet, besides the sound of Bodils shoes hitting the painted stone floor. He was constantly looking for traps and to see if anyone was following him or watching him. But luckily, he found nothing but different painted illusions on the walls.

Then up ahead, was a small sign. Once Bodil walked closer he read the message, well it was more of a warning.

"If you value your life then be quiet, for which the man in the mask will follow when your not looking."

Bodil re-read the sign again and again, the man in the mask? But he had looked to see...that's when Bodil felt chills go down his spine. There was a sudden feeling of being watched that wasn't there moments ago.

When Bodil turned around he froze, back in the shadows of the hallway he had just walked through, was a boy wearing a yellow happy face mask. The boy had turquoise hair and was wearing a torn up white hoodie, you could clearly see the faint blood stains that decorated the white fabric.

Bodil slowly tried to move but was frozen in horror, it would follow him right? But then what...Bodil quickly dashed down the hall, ignoring the pain in his arm he stopped at what appeared to be a yellow slide.

With out thinking, Bodil jumped down , landing in a much different room. The foul stench of blood was nearly unbearable. Bodil used his sleeve to cover his nose, not wanting to smell any more of the gross liquid that was smeared all over the white walls.

He felt sick, there where what appeared to be human remains scattered all around him, Bodil didn't even want to take a step forward. But if the boy was still following, he didn't seem have a choice.

He slowly took a step forward, his shoes made a squishing sound as he had stepped on something that he didn't really want to know what it was. His thoughts were all jumbled as he kept walking through, trying to think of something else to distract his mind from what was around him. It was sickening.

If he wasn't in such a hurry he'd probably think of another way to get through, without needing to step across these dead corpses. But there was a red door on the other side of the room, and he had already gone half way so there was no turning back.

He quickly walked towards the door, hearing something shuffling from behind him. The door easily opened and Bodil got through just in time to see the boy starring in the direction he had gone.

Bodil closed the door shut, locking it so that boy wouldn't follow and sighed in relief. He then turned around to look at the room. But instead his eyes widened when he saw the same boy a little down the hallway in front of him. How did he....the door was locked, was there anther way in?

His heart raced as he looked for another door but the only door there was behind the masked boy. What would he do...he didn't have much to go, he was sure that there was only one door in the room before this one.

" won't escape..." The boy didn't move from his spot, if he didn't have the mask on, Bodil bet he was smiling. Bodil glanced around then started ahead, the only way was to head forward...but...

Bodil slowly took a shaky breath then narrowed his eyes on the door behind the boy. Then he ran for it, the boy seemed to be taken back but didn't hesitate any further to stop Bodil from reaching the door.

His heart raced as he reached his hand out, pulling on the knob. But unlike before...he wasn't so lucky. Bodil yelped in pain as he fell, hitting the ground. The boy giggled, pulling out a knife from his hoodie's pocket.

Bodil clenched his teeth, kicking the boy back. But the boy grabbed his leg before he could do anything he was pulled closer, "you won't escape!" The boy stated as he grabbed the knife and easier it over Bodils chest.

But as time seemed to slow down, Bodil grabbed the boys arm just as he was bringing the knife down. The boy tried to press the knife down but Bodil grabbed the blade and kicked the boy again, this time Bodil managed to get up and run through the door, quickly locking it.

His orange eyes glanced down towards his bloody hand, it felt numb from the pain but it didn't prove to be a real problem. Bodil leaned against the wall next to the door, looking around at the room before him.

It was a bigger room, unlike the room before, this one didn't have any was just an open room filled with many crates and cages. Long rusty chains hung from the unending ceiling above him. Bodil shivered as he walked around, holding his wounded arm.

But a crunching sound soon made Bodil stop walking. He looked under him and quickly moved away from what he had stepped on. "...w-what... is this...?" Laying on the cold cobble stone floor was now a crushed human skull. It seemed to belong to a small child or teen.

Making Bodil feel sick, did kids have to go through this as well?


-This chapter was not edited, but I'll probably edit the chapter later...anyways this room was one of the rooms from the first book if anyone has noticed..?


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