Ch. 1 - New World

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Fifteen men in black suits each carrying a brief case entered the large conference room. Each man representing their own country or companies took a seat in their pre-determined seat. Not a word was spoken until another man in a lab coat emerged from behind the projector screen. He was about five foot seven, had thick round glasses and short black hair.

"Gentlemen, the world as we know is losing its forest cover." The speaker pressed a button on a tiny hand held remote and a model of the earth flickered onto the screen behind him.

"As you can see, from the early two-thousands all the way up to today, forest cover has been reduced a dramatic thirty-two percent. More than ten percent than what was predicted in twenty-forty-three. Only one rainforest still exists and it's sad to say that it has been reduced to smaller than the city of Toronto. Here at Bionetics, we have been working on ways to solve this problem for many years now, myself the study coordinator. However, recently we have discovered a growth gene located in a weed that is responsible for the extremely rapid growth and reproduction. With your funding my team and I could alter this gene to be compatible with any plant species. As of now we have synthetically reproduced a chemical that only works to demonstrate what the gene does for a short period of time. As of now it won't store itself in the root system like the gene would. This would open up an infinite number of possibilities! Imagine, earth's forest cover not only restored but expanded. Imagine not having to wait thirty years but thirty days for a full grown tree. Imagine a world where lumber is plentiful and crops could grow in any climate, ending world hunger. Gentlemen, I give you the Evolution!"

The man in the lab coat pressed another button on the same tiny remote and the table opened up to reveal a tub of soil. As he walked over he pulled out a vial of green liquid. He then put a few drops into a spray bottle that was sitting on the table.

"Inside this box of soil I have placed various types of seeds, grass seeds, some daises and one maple seed to demonstrate the effects of this chemical on various types of plant life each taking a longer time to grow—naturally. As I'm sure you've noticed to three parts per million, this chemical can be diluted in vast amounts of water and take the same effect. Now, observe."

The man screwed the top onto the bottle and sprayed the soil until it was empty. At first it seemed nothing was going to happen but after about a few minutes the entire box began to sprout grass at an alarming rate. At first the room was in a quiet whisper, the potential investors debating with one another weather or not this chemical was a miracle of science or just a placebo created with some very impressive illusion tactics. After about five more minutes the newly sprayed dirt was a lush patch of healthy grass. Soon after, a sapling appeared and the flowers began to sprout as well.

The investors stared at the rapidly growing plants in pure amazement. A few touching the mat of grass to confirm that it was in fact real. The scientist reached over and broke one of the flower stems off and handed it to one of the investors instructing him to pass it around the conference table.

"Look closely at the end of the stalk," Said the scientist. "You'll notice that like any other naturally occurring plant it has a central vascular system and note how it leeks a small amount of water. This should be proof enough that these plants are not fake in any way."

At this point the entire conference room was alive with chatter. The men in suits were clearly impressed by the nature bending product.

"If any of you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me." There was a short silence until one of the potential investors spoke up.

"How many doses do you need to yield a long term effect?" The others nodded their heads in agreement.

"Just one, with any luck, when absorbed through the root system of any plant it deposits itself within the core of the root. And because the chemical is designed to be able to dilute as far as one part per thousand, as the plant takes in water, the water picks up the chemical thus in most cases, the chemical will last for the entire life span of the plant. As for woody plants a dose year is suggested. However with enough funding, in theory, we could synthesize a viral delivery system to implant the gene itself into the plant allowing it to synthetically produce the chemical itself."

"Are there any known side effects for non-plant life such as insects?"

"As of now no. we haven't noticed any major problems."

"I know this may not be the most... Ethical question," Said a man with a mustache and a thick european accent. "However, I am required to ask anyways."

"Any questions are welcome."

"Thank you, friend. Now, is there any military value in this product if so-"

The scientist promptly cut him off at the mention of the word 'military.' The look on his face thoroughly expressed his disgust in the question the man who asked the question noticed this and feared his reaction.

"Sir, I have nothing against you as a person. I prefer not to shoot the messenger. However, whomever sent you tell them that I am deeply insulted that you would even think for a second I would accept any money from those who wish to do harm. I've spent years of my life devoted to save the world, not destroy it. You can leave now."

The man quietly stood up and left the room, all eyes burning holes in his ego. Nobody had any further questions and the meeting was dismissed. As the scientist was locking the double doors of the conference room, one of the men that sat in the demo appeared behind him.

"Excuse men, Doctor Carlson?"

Carlson turned around and came face to face with a very formal looking gentleman in a black suit. He had blond hair and he seemed to be about forty years old.

"Can I help you?" Carlson asked.

"As a matter of fact you can help me, and your country. I represent the Environmental Protection Agency and we're very impressed by your work. I can surely tell you your demo was outstanding!"

Carlson let out a chuckle to hide his flattery. "Thank you, I've been working long and hard on this project I can say for sure."

"Well we are so impressed that we would like to give you as much funding as you need to develop the gene as fast as possible, the state of our country's wildlife preserves and forests are in critical condition and we would love to bring back the green to our planet."

To Carlson this opportunity of a lifetime was too good to be true, ten years of blood sweat and dead-ends finally paid off. He was ecstatic with joy frantically shaking the man's hand, expressing his joy and how much this meant to him.

"Absolutely sir, my team and I won't waste a penny. You'll have a green planet within five months I promise."

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