Ch 3. - Party-on

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Carlson knew what tonight's top story was going to be about. He had planned for it. Due to the nature of the broadcasting, he saw it was fit to invite his co-workers, friends and what little family he had left.

The anticipated news broadcast was set to air at eight o'clock eastern time; it was only about six thirty. To pass the time the party goers mingled amongst each other exchanging minimum pleasantries such as the weather and what Gary did to get fired last week. They ate the snacks that Carlson had laid out before the party began. It was a typical table with three two liter bottles with different flavors of soda, and an assortment of chips and dip. Some even had a few beers, Carlson was one of them. All in all everyone seemed to be having a good time. It was quite a wonderful event. Everyone was getting along fine and no one had anything bad to say. Most importantly no petty squabbles made themselves apparent. Everyone was happy to be able to witness the rebirth of their planet, their home, especially Carlson.


The news channel had already been providing the party with background noise but when Carlson heard the news anchor introduce that nights top story, he ushered everyone into the living room.

"It's about to start!" he called. "Hurry up!"

Carlson and his brother, a built man by the name of James, took the seat of honor. In this case the central sofa. Everyone waited patiently, closely watching.

"Breaking news from the Environmental Protection Agency," began one of the news anchors by the name of Louis Stevenson; "They say that a chemical has been developed that can, and will change the face of our planet as we know it. Doctor John Carlson head of the research department at Bionetics Sciences had developed this magical drug for the EPA that works like a super growth hormone to help plant life to grow at astounding speeds and outlasting some of the harshest conditions on the planet. Aidan Smith from the EPA is on the line now to discuss this revolutionary product with us, Smith?"

"Hi Louis, thank-you for having me today. So let's get started shall we?"

"I think so!" Louis chuckled.

"This fantastic drug is unlike anything I've ever seen. From the very first demo I was sold on the idea. Doctor Carlson is truly one of the greatest minds in history and without a doubt will change the world even further. And I can say without a doubt in my mind that he will do so for the better. The way this drug works is actually quite interesting. It accelerates the growth of any plant imaginable by an amazing percent. I personally took this to the president yesterday and received the approval to douse the country next week. This process will take about four days and all Americans are required to stay indoors for the entirety of these four days. All channels will be switched to the emergency broadcasting system to keep you updated. Thanks' again Louis!"

"No, thank-you Aidan and thank you Doctor Carlson for bringing life and color back to our greying planet."

Carlson's party goers promptly congratulated him on his rousing success and a job very much well done.

"John!" said James, putting a hand on his right shoulder. Carlson turned to face his older brother. "I thought I'd never see the day my baby brother surpasses me."

"Well until now you made more money than me and you're a mechanic!" Carlson jokingly replied.

"I only wish mom and dad were still around to see what you have accomplished."



It was approaching one in the morning when the party had begun to die down. At half past, the last guests were congratulating Carlson once more before heading out back to their homes. James was the last one to leave, before he left he gave his brother one last hug.

"I'm proud of you, kiddo. And I know mum and dad would think so too, keep up the good work. You're a real life super hero ya'know."

For some reason the mentioning of his parents whom died when Carlson was only seven brought subtle tears to his eyes. Through a cracking voice he muttered: "Thank-you James."

"Oh!" exclaimed James just as he was stepping out onto the front porch. "I'll drop by the night before the dousing so you'll have some company, okay?"

"Sounds great!" Carlson replied.

"Take care."

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