Ch 6. - Overgrowth

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Carlson was lost in thought, hypnotized by the shaking of the truck as it trotted down the vine covered road. He could hardly wrap his mind around what was going on around him. There are plants stitching up invisible hounds that were out to kill him? It seemed so surreal, but he knew that this was the way it was, and unless he got to the lab there's not stopping it.

It was about another hour before the truck reached its destination. A very large building, covered in vines, moss and surrounded by more massive trees and razor grass. Both Carlson and James knew this location very well however they could hardly recognize it.

"Here we are boys," Liz said as he hopped out of the truck bed. "North View Mall, although she looks like she's been through hell."

Tim and Dan stepped out of the truck cabin and introduced themselves, shaking hands with Carlson and James. They exchanged minor pleasantries.

"This way." Liz said, as she began to walk along the wall of the mall. They walked around to the back entrances, near the loading docks, where Liz punched a series of digits into an electronic keypad attached to the steel frame of a hefty door. With a gleeful beep, the door clicked and she pulled it open.

"The perks of being a rent-a-cop I suppose." Liz chuckled. Well, the main doors have metal gates that are already locked so I think we shouldn't have to worry about any of those things getting inside, but be careful anyways. I don't' want to stay here for far too long. First of all we'll see if we can use anything in the security office, from there we'll walk to the Outdoor World on the opposite side of the mall. There will be something worth taking in there for sure."

Everyone nodded to Liz's plan and no one could conceive of a major flaw to it.


Liz pulled open the door and walked inside. However the optimistic tone was quickly snuffed out when they were able to check out the status of the mall. The only supply of power in the mall was already routed to the security office and as Liz pointed out it wasn't going to last very long. The lights were already dimed to a hazy orange and they were getting dimmer every few minutes.

Liz grunted, frustrated. She started to open drawers and cabinets, throwing lose papers out of the way for a better view of the contents that lay scattered throughout the containers.

"What are you looking for?" Carlson asked. "Need any help?"

"Uhh... Nope! Found them." Liz replied, pulling out four flashlights. "I'm going to put new batteries in them just to be safe."

She walked into a back closet and returned promptly with a small box of 'AA' batteries as well as a roll of duct tape. She pulled off a long strip of tape and positioned the flashlight underneath the barrel of her ak-47, using the tape to hold it securely in place. Carlson found this to be a good idea and followed in her footsteps. Tim had a small pistol, and James had his home made machete, so they were limited to holding the light. Dan had nothing.

"Anyone want to lend me some sort of protection?" Dan sighed. Carlson looked around and then realized he had something to offer. He unsheathed his machete and handed it to Dan.

Dan nodded in Carlson's direction. "Thanks."

"Don't mention it."

"Remember, I don't want to stay here for too long, let's just get in then out. After we're done here we can stay at my apartment. There's not much razor grass around there." Liz said as she walked towards the door that lead to the mall interior. Everyone mumbled in unsure agreement and she pushed the door open. Like entering a sauna, they wandered into the drastically changed mall than the one they once knew so well. It was damp and humid, with vines, moss and strange mushrooms lined the walls and ceiling. The lights were covered by massive, flat leaves that stemmed from the vines absorbing almost all of the light. The only real light came from the strange mushrooms that Carlson took notice to right away. It stood about a foot off of the floor, and its stalk was five inches in thickness. Its flesh like tissue felt like human skin, but was completely transparent; however it had red veins running through the entirety of the mushroom. Like a heartbeat, the red veins pulsed, emitting a bright red glow. Liz was the first one to spot it, and she found it slightly funny.

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