Ch 2. - Leave it to Smith

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Three and a half months passed and Carlson and his team, through backbreaking work, were able to isolate and reproduce the gene they worked so hard to find. Unlike the synthetic chemical he had used in the conference room, the formula had been altered into a virus capable of giving the gene directly to the cortex cells of a plant root system. Once there the rot could then produce the synthetic chemical on its own, instead of having to super-dilute it. When combined with an initial dose of the chemical they noticed that there was the initial growth but almost as soon as it wore off, with ought delay the first cellular reproduction occurred in the plant and it too could successfully reproduce the chemical.

Carlson was promptly informed and it was even more of a success than he initially planned. This news was music to his ears. He knew that as long as the root was in-tact the plant would more or less live forever. The joy he felt was more than he ever knew before. For the first time he saw his lifelong dream of a greener earth unfolding buy his hand.

Carlson spent the day compiling all of his experiments and findings into a thesis and file. Preparing to present this information to the EPA, it took him about nine hours to complete this task just in time as the receptionist buzzed his desk.

"Doctor Carlson, Mister Smith from the EPA is here to see you." "Thank-You Sarah, send him in."

Sarah did so and Smith walked through the door a few minutes later. He closed the door behind him and sat down. Carlson noticed that this was the same man from the presentation day.

"How are you, John?" He said extending a hand.

"I'm well thanks, but with no more delay I'd like to share some very good results with you, in fact the project was more than a success."

Carlson preceded t hand Smith the file he previously compiled. Upon receiving the file, Smith immediately began to flip through the sea of charts and graphs, reports and descriptions. Carlson could tell by the look on smith's face that what he did understand he liked but overall he was puzzled and confused/. So with ought being asked he started to explain his findings and the effects of the gene/chemical combination. He explained it in every detail from how it works to how he believes it will better the planet not only on a national p level but a global one too. However he had no options on methods of how to distribute this evolutionary chemical to which Smith responded:

"Just leave it to me."

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