Ch. 11 - Subway

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Into the darkness they descended, the shuffling of their feet down the cold, concrete stairs echoed down the hall. It was pitch black once they entered the main station. With no windows or skylights the only light came from their flashlights.

They walked onwards, eventually reaching the station platform. Empty trains, doors held open lay dormant, waiting to receive passengers that will never arrive. Carlson walked over to a map on the wall and pointed his flashlight at it.

"Okay, Bionetics is one station north, so that-a-way." He said pointing down the right end of the tunnel. He walked around the empty train and hopped onto the tracks, the new followers close behind.

They walked for five minutes, hoping to arrive soon. They stumbled upon a massive hole in the wall of the tunnel; it was burrowed deep, like an extension onto the subway line continuing on the other side as well.

"What the hell do you think made that?" Jesse asked.

"I don't know, I bet whatever it was its long gone." Carlson replied.

Liz jumped, frightened by something. "Shh!" she snapped, listening carefully into the darkness. There was a feint scraping that seemed to be coming from around the bend. The sound was similar to a pickaxe being dragged down the concrete walls.

"Is someone trying to do a little gold digging?" Allen chuckled.

"Doubt it." Mike replied.

Carlson and Liz were already cautiously approaching the bend. Liz peaked around, quickly withdrawing. There was a fearful look on her face. "I think I knew what made those tunnels."

Carlson, curious at what she had seen, nervously peeked around the bend and withdrew as well. He saw a giant rat-like creature that was almost hitting its back on the celling. It was covered in porcupine like quills, carried massive teeth and wielded massive claws that could pummel through stone.

"What?" Allen asked, becoming nervous.

"Rat things." Carlson whispered.

"Ha! Rats, bro? Are you serious?" Everyone except for Carlson and Liz began to laugh.

"Let's kill this thing." Jesse said, showing off a grenade launcher.

The kids ran around the corner, but the creature had already heard them coming. In a desperate attempt to kill it, Allen started to fire off as many bullets as possible with little effect. Carlson and Liz watched silently in horror as the creature easily eliminated Nick, Mike and Jesse in a bloody crunch of the teeth and a crushing blow with its claws. The hit sent Jesse's grenade launcher skidding across the floor not too far from Carlson. Before Allen could be eaten he raised his gun to his head and ended his own life.

Carlson realized now was the time for action, he noticed the grenade launcher and dove for the gun, picking it up as he slid by. The creature saw him and hissed. He steadied himself and with deadly accuracy fired the only loaded shot into the monsters mouth. The round exploded into a mess of fire and blood. Chunks of concrete fell from the roof, but the tunnel remained intact. Carlson squirmed on the floor in pain from the deafening noise of the blast.

Liz hurried around the corner. "Oh thank god, I thought you were dead!"

Breathing heavily Carlson mumbled "not yet."

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