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I opened the door amd smiled at everyone, hugging and greeting them as they came in. "Hey Prod. Hello Ray. Hi Prince. Hey Ang!"

I shut the door and they all went into the kitchen to greet my dad, Roc's mom, and Roc. I felt the steam come up from the kitchen when I pulled back the tin foil that was keeping it warm. I put chicken, rice, corn, and buttered bread onto everyones plates and they grabbed one off the counter, going to the dinning room table.

"Where is Des?" Ray asked me as I sat down. It felt odd to hear no hostility in his voice, he was genuinely curious.

"She's upstairs napping." I responded. "I'll check on her when we're all done eating and if she's awake I'll bring her down."

"Alright." He nodded.

We all ate and the silence was uncomfortable, no one made eye contact, we just stared down at our food as we ate it.

"Hey." Roc said, breaking the silence. "You guys remember at our wedding when Rain tripped walking down the aisle!?"

Everyone bursted out laughing, and I fought back my laughs.

"That was NOT funny! Ok, I told my dad he was walking too fast!"

My dad put his hands up in surrender. "Aye Roc's hair was turning gray I was just trynna get you to him before everyone died."

I rolled my eyes. "I was NOT going THAT slow."

Roc laughed. "You kinda were though..."

"You really were." Angie agreed.

I smiled for a second and then stopped. "Since when was this make fun of Rain day? Cuz it wasn't in my calendar."

Roc leaned over and hugged me, I felt my cheeks burning from the embarrassment. "It's ok baby. At least you didn't fall on your face."

I pushed him off. "That doesn't comfort me Roc."

"Soooo." Prince said. "How does it feel to be a mom now Rain?"

I smiled at him, I liked the question. "It feels...good. I mean I feel happy, complete if you will. Destiny is an angel and she's fun to be around. Always smiling and making random noises like she is speaking another language." I laughed.

"How could she not be happy with a mom as pretty as you." My dad said.

"Awwww." The whole table said in unison.

I smiled. "Thanks daddy."

As we all finished up dinner we talked more about the wedding, and even went backwards to talk about Prom and how cute of a couple Roc and I were even before our engagement. Thankfully no one mentioned my miscarriage or how just a few weeks ago they thought I was dead.

"Ok, now I'll go see if Des is up and we can all go in the back."

Roc started to lead everyone outside and I went to get the baby.

"Destiny." I whispered as I slowly opened her door.

I looked into her crib to see her eyes open and she made little noises.

"Wanna come see everybody?"

I scooped her up in my arms and felt her diaper, deciding it felt wet. I layed her down on the changing table and pulled a diaper out of the drawer. She wiggled her legs around and started crying when I wiped her, She hated to be cleaned, and she hated to be ignored. Those were the only two times where she was always fussy. I kissed her little tummy and got her bathing suit from the closet. I slid her little black water diaper up her legs and then pulled off her shirt to put on her black top piece.

I threw the old diaper away and took off my shirt and pants, revealing my black bikini. carried Destiny with me to the bedroom and threw my clothes on the bed. I bounced her up and down while I grabbed towels from the bathroom and made my way downstairs.

As we got closer to the back door I could already hear laughing, music, and splashing. Destiny started smiled and started squirming around in my arms.

"Hold on baby we're almost there!" I cheered.

As soon as I walked out everyone was looking at us. "Oh look at you two in your matching swimsuits!" Roc said.

I laughd and handed him Des. "Yeah, except my bottom piece isn't a diaper."

Just then Ray popped up behind me laughing. "That's what you SAY."

I rolled my eyes and got into the pool.

"Can she swim?" Prod asked me.

"We're working on it."

"Cool." Can I hold her?"

I smiled. "If you can get her away from Roc, he clings to her like I don't know what."

Prodigy laughed and swam to the pool stairs in order to ask Roc for permission. I swam over to the corner where everyone was just hanging out.

"So what we talkin bout?" I asked Ms.August.

"Trying to decide who Destiny looks more like." Prince answered.

"Oh, what's your answer?" I wondered.

"We can't decide!" Angela told me.

"Oh." I replied.

Duh! Me...she hadvmy eyes! But...she had his hair. WELL she had my smile! But...she had his nose. Ugh whatever! She looked more like me. No one else needed to agree. Dang...

Hurt Me No Longer (Sequel to "Bully Me No More")Where stories live. Discover now