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"Hey Angie what happened to your side?" I asked.

She pulled down her shirt and sighed. "I fell down the stairs last night. It was dark and you know how clumsy I am."

I laughed and continued to bounce Des on my knee. "True, true."

"So what are you doing for your birthday?"

"Ugh. Why does everyone keep asking me that? Why should I even be celebrating getting older?"

"Well jesus Rain you aren't turning 50. You're ganna be 21! Finally!"

"Hey. You've only been 21 for a few months."

"And it's fun! You ganna drink? Go to a bar!? Oh please lets have your party at a bar!"

I shook my head. "I don't think I wanna. I'm ok with not drinking..."

"Woah woah woah! You mean like you NEVER want to drink?"

I nodded. "Yupp."

"You're crazy girl. I'm ganna grab a water bottle." She told me as she got up and walked to the kitchen.

Maybe staying forever alcohol free was going to be a challenge after all. My best friend wanted me to drink, my husband, and Roc's mom told me it's the best reliever of stress. I continued to carefully bounce my little bundle of joy on my leg, as I looked into her eyes I couldn't help, but smile. She was so perfect and I couldn't imagine having her if I left Roc when the abuse started. I needed him.

"Can I do your nails!?" Angie asked when she got back on the couch.


"Yay! Cuz I have this super cute pink polish in my purse that you would love!"

I put Des in her bouncy seat and sat still, and quiet while Angie slowly, and carefully painted each finger. I didn't wanna drink on my birthday, but how would I get out of it?

Hurt Me No Longer (Sequel to "Bully Me No More")Where stories live. Discover now