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I had asked Tobias what all the facade was about over a million times on our way home. He just tightened his perfect jaw muscles with his eyes so focused on the road, and he turned up the volume of the radio to shut out my voice.

I decided to give up for the mean time.

Once we got into his house, I tried to question him again, but he walked into his room and locked the door behind him.

I decided to sit out and watch some tv. Maybe some news to find out if I had been reported missing.

There was nothing.. yet.

Here I was, counting on Imogene to call the police. I knew she would. I knew she definitely would.

She just needed a little more time.

Tobias didn't come out of his room until nightfall, when I was frying some bacon.

"Finally!" I sighed with relief.

He smirked, walking over to sit at the kitchen counter chairs. "I didn't know my presence had that much of an effect on you."

I rolled my eyes at him. "I haven't had a bath all day, and you locked yourself in there like Cinderella after the ball, depriving me of taking a shower!" I angrily, but carefully explained.

"Alright. Let me make it up to you," he said, matter-of-factly. "I'll join you in the shower."

I was so tempted to throw the burning hot pan at him. Or at least hit him a few times with it.

"You are such an egotistical maniac," I said, bringing the bacon out of the pan.

He chuckled, the melodious sound of his laughter filling the air. "Just the second day of living together and you already know me," he said with a bit of sarcasm in his tone.

I angrily walked away from him and into the room, making sure to lock the door behind me loud enough for him to notice.

He ran to the door and continuously hit it, demanding that I unlock the door that very instant... But I had other plans.

I comfortably took off my clothes and hopped into the shower.

It was going to be a good night after all.


It was a bright and delightful morning. I hopped down from the bed and stretched, pushing open the heavy curtains that blocked the beautiful sun from shining in.

I wonder if Tobias is still asleep.

I quietly unlocked the door and pushed it open.

He looked the contrary of what he really was while he was asleep on the couch. Peaceful and gentle.

He lay down like a playful child. His right leg was hanging over the couch while his hands dangled down to the floor.

His full lips looked pink as ever and were slightly parted open. His dark brown hair was all over the place, some falling towards his closed eyes.

I walked to the fridge to get me a apple juice box, trying to decide if he deserved to sleep after how early he had woken me up the previous day.

Damn right he didn't deserve it. After all it was already passed 10.

I stole one more look at his present resting state, cherishing it the most I could, because once I would wake him up, I would be waking up a viscous beast.

I quietly walked to the couch he lay on and bent down to his ear.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" I screamed in the highest pitch I could possible make, causing him to shriek and fall straight to the floor, face first.

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