Re-write Agian?

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Hey guys it's me Ale. (Obviously) anyways, I have seen that some people want me to continue this version of The God's Daughter and that got me thinking.

Lately I have been going through and reading the stories I have published here. I personally don't like the way some stories are written and think that I can do better than what I have done now.

This means that I will be going through the stories I have and rewriting some chapter and such. Don't worry no major changes. Except for The god's Daughter.

I have rewritten TGD about four times(?) now and have finally figured out a plot that I like and want to continue with. This leads me to deleting the rewrite and starting fresh. Again. Like I had mentioned in the past I wanted to add some more Greek mythology elements to the story but yet I still haven't. So the new rewritten no. 5(?) will have a lot more Greek elements that will be balanced out with werewolf and vampire mythology.

I will keep the original posted and will only update it if I have announcements since this story has the most reads which makes it easier for me to make big announcements like this one.

The new Greek mythology infused God's Daughter will be called:

The God's Daughter: The Trials of Hercules

At the moment I believe I may make it a series but I'm not 100% sure yet. Just to give you an idea of what this story will be about here is a sneak peek:

The God's Daughter: The Trials of Hercules

"You are not to return and must live amongst the mortals and the beasts that lurk in the dark. This is your punishment from committing such a crime against your immortal brethren. Therefore, I banish you Poseidon, god of the sea, to the realm of the weak.

But you may return under one condition;

On the child's sixteenth birthday, it will under go The Trials of Hercules and then we will see if this child will be able to redeem your name and prove its worth. Should the child fail though, your banishment will remain permanent and the child will be cast into Tartarus." 

Here ya go folks. But to those of you who want me to continue the original I'm sorry but I can't. I started this story almost 2-3 years ago and my writing has changed since then. I feel the original is to cliche and the characters and such are just... Bleh. I honestly cringed so many times when I was rereading the chapters. Of course I am grateful that you did like the original I just hope you can understand that I have changed a lot since then and I don't want to live in the past. I don't know if that makes any sense but yea. I also will not write any fan fictions maybe an Attack on Titan or a Vampire Knight one. But no one direction  or 5sos, I don't listen to either of them anymore and I feel like there are a lot of fanfictions  out there about both. Not that there aren't any about AOT and VK I just prefer the manga and anime fandom over the band ones.

But at least from now on my stories WILL be edited and may have some art to depict the characters and such. I'm not sure.

I'm sorry to those of you who want me to continue this version of TGD but I can't.

I will be deleting the rewrite sometime this coming week when I have finished planning and character designs for the new version.

As for my other stories just bare with me while I figure everything out.

Thank you for your encouragement to continue writing and the votes, comments, and adding this story to your reading lists. I appreciate it.


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