κεφάλαιο 12~ Kian

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Chapter 12~ Kian

(Does this brownie make you hungry? It makes me hungry.)



"Ok so Aloin will show you to yo-" Alpha Aguistin starts but stops when the door opens. "Kian, it's nice of you to finally join us." The Alpha says before it hits me like a ton of bricks.

Holy shit! What is that amazing smell?


I turn around and lift my nose into the air, taking a deep breath. It smells so good, like brownies. My nose does not fail me as I watch some guy walk in with a pan of brownies.

"Hey mum, dad I brought some brownies I made in class." I hear a thick Irish accent say. I watch as a guy with dark brown hair and icy blue eyes walks in the room. Good looking AND he can bake? Damn.

Sexy baker walks past me and places the tray or brownies on the Alphas desk. My mouth waters as the delicious scent fills the room causing my stomach to growl. Sexy baker laughs looking at me, "Well someone's hungry."

I blush and look down, "Heh yea, I haven't eaten since before my plane took off." I hear a gasp and look up at Kealey. "No, no, no, unacceptable." she says shaking her head.

Alpha Kealey grabs my hand and pulls me towards the door pausing when she hears the sound of her sons voice.

"Don't worry about it mom I can take her down to grab some food."

"Are you sure? I know you and your father had important business to discuss."

Kian nods and ushers his mother to sit down next to his father and then grabs my hand and takes me out of the room.

We walk down the hallway and then down the stairs towards the kitchen. the scent that I first smelt when I entered the house, hit me full force and I swear I felt drool go down my chin.

Sexy baker a.k.a. Kian goes and grabs a bowl from the cupboard and then opens the lid of the container that contains the mouthwatering stew.

"You like stew right?" he asks while pouring some in a bowl. I nod and he motions for me to sit on one of the stools around the island.

I pull out the stool and sit down while he grabs a spoon then placing the stew filled bowl and spoon in front of me.

"What do you want to drink?"

"Ummm do u have coke?"

"Yea let me get you some." Kian says before walking oh the kitchen.

$ Kian's POV $ (Surprise!)

From the moment I stepped into the pack house I knew something smelled different. Like ginger and vanilla. I just followed my nose as the scent got stronger as I walked towards my dads office.

When I entered I saw her. My mate.

She had wavy red tipped hair and tan skin. When she turned I saw she had ocean blue, almond shaped eyes, and plump pink lips.

I never used to believe in love at first sight, but as cliche as it sounds, I fell in love with her the moment I saw her.

When my mum was going to take her to get something to eat I jumped at the chance to be able to get close and talk to my beautiful mate.

Although I don't think she knows I'm her mate and that she's mine.

I close the door to the fridge in the garage after grabbing my mates coke and head back towards the kitchen.

I place the coke can in front of her and notice the bowl of my mums stew is almost gone.

I laugh lightly and take a seat in a stool across from her.

"Someone was hungry eh?"

My mate blushes and looks down at her bowl, twirling her spoon in the broth.

"Haha yea I hadn't eaten anything since yesterday, errr well besides the airplane peanuts."

I nod understandingly, "So what's your name?"

She looks up at me says, "Alexandra"


Omg I am so sorry I haven't finished updating this cho but I'm out of school so I hav more time to update and so yea, I'm sooooo sorry!

But I'm sorry if this chp is crap I wrote it on my phone because my computer is being a bitch. :/



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