κεφάλαιο 11~ Meeting the Alpha and Luna

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  • Dedicated to all of you lovely people! ILY <3

Chapter 11 ~ Meeting the  Alpha and Luna

You the first thing that I noticed right when we entered the pack house, or whatever it’s called? It smelled amazing like someone had a stew going. I take in a deep breath as my stomach growls.

Aloin turns around to look at me, “Someone’s hungry.” I blush and nod looking down.

“Haha yea the small packets of peanuts they give you one the plane aren’t very filling.”

“I would imagine so. Well when you’ve been introduced to the Alpha and Luna, I’ll show you to your room and then we’ll get you some food.” Al says as we round a corner and start climbing up the staircase.

My stomach growls as we reach the top of the staircase and turn to the right. Man I really wish I would’ve stopped by some restaurant after I got off the plane right now.

I look around the hallway and notice the walls are a dark red, similar to that of blood and the floor is a white marble floor.

I watch as I look at the people walking around me, laughing and smiling. Although some are look at me curiously.

I turn around and stop when Aloin suddenly stops. Woah I never noticed how tall he was until now, he’s a freakin giant.

Al turns around to face me and jumps slightly when he notices how close we are. I blush and take a step back, “Sorry.” I mumble.

“Heh yea its ok.” I nod, looking at my shoes with sudden interest. “Ok well wait out here I’m going to tell the Alpha’s that you’re here.”

He says and quickly opens the large red wood door in front of us before disappearing behind it. I sigh and look around the surprising large hallway. My eyes scan the hallway and I squirm slightly when I notice all the pairs of eyes that are staring at me.

I turn back around and look up when I hear the door open. “Their ready to see you.” I nod before following Al into the room before me.

I think I just shit my pants. Oh. My. Gods. The Alpha is just about as scary and tough looking as Ares and I’m sad to say that. . . he scares me.

Damn it Alex! Ugh I’m losing it, no one creeps me out this much.

I look up at the tall slightly pale man infront of me. He has pale blue eyes with a scaring running down from his eyebrow to his chin on the right side of his face. He has shaggy brown hair and his arms are pure muscle.

I turn to the woman on his right and notice she has long blonde hair with dark brown eyes. She honestly reminds me of Aphrodite maybe even better looking.

Oh man if she could hear my thoughts I would be 20 feet under.

“Ah so you must be Alexandra.” The man, who I believe is Aguistin, says. “Heh yea, that’s me.”

He smiled warmly and wraps me in a hug, “Well it’s nice to finally meet you. Your father told us a lot about you isn’t that right babe?” Alpha Aguistin says, turning around to look at his mate, Kealey.

She smiles at me and nods coming over to give me a hug as well. Are all Irish people this nice and laid back?

“That’s right and like my husband said, it’s nice to finally meet you.” I pull back from the hug and nod, “Yea it’s nice to meet you too. Er well both of you.”

Kealey laughs and shakes her head, “You don’t have to be so nervous. We don’t bite.” I sure hope not.

I nod and smile. “So you’re going to be staying here for about a month or at least until your able to control your wolf. Am I right?” Aguistin says sitting at his desk.

I nod and play with my fingers. Damn it I’m usually not this shy! What the hell is wrong with me?!

“Ok so Aloin will show you to yo-“ Alpha Aguistin starts but stops when the door opens. “Kian, it’s nice of you to finally join us.” The Alpha says before it hits me like a ton of bricks.

Holy shit! What is that amazing smell?

HAHA Cliffhanger!!! Who you guys think Kian is? I’m sorry for being extinct for a while but. . .  I’m back! Sorry its just that I have been busy doing stuff for People to People, I tried to get my passport this week but my dad was not cooperating.

This is why I like my Step-Dad better than my Real Dad. *sigh*

Any ways I’m back and ima be updating more often and this time I mean it 115%!

Sooo yea bye! Oh and does anyone have any ideas on how to raise $3,000?

~ A very tired and stressed Ale :/


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