κεφάλαιο~ 13 Sharing?!

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Chapter 13~ Sharing?!


After eating and talking with Kian till he had to leave, Al came back downstairs to show me to my room which I can tell by the walk is far from the entrance and the rest of the house.

I mean come on it's not like I have the fucking plague or something!

I mean we've passed 23 no make that 24 doors and that not even counting the rooms on the first floor that we passed.

This place is like a labyrith which trust me when I say I know about that. It was part of our training to be able to go through a labyrith/maze and it was a pain in the ass!

Josh, Jason, and I spent a week in a one of them with no food or water except what we could find. I mean it did help us I can-surprisingly-last 3 days without water. Crazy right?

But anyways after we passed the 30 door we came to a stop in front of a big red wood door with 'Kian' carved in.

Al turns to look at me with a sheepish smile on his face,"Well miss Alexandra, this is your room for now."

"Wait but isn't this Kian's room?" I ask confused and excited. Wait why am I excited? I shake me head lightly.

"Yes Miss this will be your room for a few weeks. You will be sharing with Alpha Kian till the other pack house is finished and then you can move out of here and into the other pack house."

I sigh but nod and open the door to now Kian's and I room. When I enter I notice all the furniture is black and he has weird color changing walls. Don't ask. In the corner if the room are two bunk beds one of which is against the wall on its side and the other with the headboard against the wall facing towards me.

On the wall across the beds is a huge TV with an Xbox hocked up and huge speakers on either side. There is as desk towards the left of the room as well as a bookcase. On the right is a door which I'm hoping leads to the bathroom.

My mouth falls open but not because of the room but because what's in it. There in the middle of all this is a shirtless and sweating Kian doing push ups.

I swallow and suddenly feel very nervous being in the same room with him shirtless and sweating. Did I mention that he has a six pack and a defined v-line with some hair on his chest as well as some on his lower abdomen that trails down into his basketball shorts?

Ok it's suddenly really hot in here.

"Alpha Kian! Miss Alexandra is here." Al says and looks at me with a knowing smirk.

I glower at him. Wipe that smirk off your face!

Kian stops mid push-up and stands up turning to face us. He smiles and I smile, suddenly feeling shy. God what this boy does to me! Oh My Chile-cheese fries! I'm loosing it!


Ok sorry this chp is so short I just wanted to get something up but hopefully the next chp will be longer. although I'm not making any promises but anyways

What y'all think of Kian and Alex sharing a room? Kian being Alex's mate and all. Think Alex with play hard to get or just become mush in Kian's hands?

- Ale


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