Jared meet my Psycho Friends

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Dawn's POV

Jared Jensen And I, Were concentrated on painting the wall and building. So far someone only fell once *coughs*Jensen*coughs*

The doorbell started ringing and I yelled "I got it."  and Ran downstairs.

I opened the door all I hear is "DAWN!!" . Next thing I know I'm on the floor.

All I hear is groaning and a "am I dead"

Then we all look at each other and start laughing.

I look  to my right and see Jc right next to me he says "hi" and I say "hi." We kinda just layed there looking at each other.

Then someone cleared there throat and snapped me and Jc out of our daze. 

All the boys except for are looking at me and Jc weird . 

Then Jc gets up and pulls me up.

Its awkward silence and I noticed Jenn isn't here.

" Wheres Jenn " I ask nobody in particular.

" She went home for something so your stuck with us " says Kian

"Ok well lets go upstairs and you can meet Jared"

"Who." they all say at the same time

" The guy that adopted me"

"ohhhhh."comes forom one of them .

"So you live here." asked Connor


"Its so cool." said Ricky

I got all happy " I know right wait till you see my room."

We came upstairs and walked straight to my room.

Jared and Jensen were still painting and trying to build.

"Jared, Jensen meet my friends."  Jared and Jensen looked up from what they were doing.

"Ummm Casper and his friendly friends." Jensen says kinda awkwardly.

I look to my left . No one was there. I go back into the hallway "GUYS!"

" What the hell." I mutter under my breath. Walk back Downstairs and guess what theses dummies are doing.

"Really Guys. C'mon."  They're all laying down the freaking couch.

"But this couch is so comfortable though." Says  Sam.

"Yeah I know ,But right now yall are making me look crazy so now PLEASE GET UP".

"Fine." They all Groan. 

"Yall can come back to the couch when were done with my room ." 

"Okay...." Says Jc  With his bottom lip sticking out.

"You'll be fine you big baby." He chuckles.

This time I made sure that they actually came up stairs this time.

" Jared ,Jensen Meet my very real and stupid Friends."

There is a "Hey,Rude." and also a " We're not the only stupid ones." Which comes from Kian.

Jared chuckles " Hi I'm Jared."

"Holy Shit." Which comes From Ricky. We all look at him like he's crazy." Your the guys who play Dean and Sam."

" So your a Fan." Says Jensen

"Yup" Says Ricky.

Now its just an Awkward Silence.

" So lets get Started." I Say


I'm not Dead YaY Hehe

Yeah Yeah I know  I'm Horrible at Updating But HEY its better than Nothing .

 Comment   XOXO Jasmine ( Sorry I'm Currently watching gossip girl.)

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