Purple paint is a @#%*

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"Hallelujah!" yelled an over dramatic Trevor.

We finally finished building and painting. and I think the guys painted each other rather than painting the walls. it got to the point that we had to use kian since he had the most paint on him and literally rubbed him against the walls. But I don't understand why kian just didn't take his shirt off and painted the walls with it.

But I just let them do what they wanted to do.

" Damn guys we did a lot of work today." Trevor said

We all looked at Trevor like we all wanted to slap him in the face.

"Trevor you barely did anything all you did was throw paint at us ." Kian said annoyed."

I wouldn't blame kian for being annoyed I would be to if I got rubbed on a wall

Trevor chuckled " Oh yeah I remember that."

Kian just shook his head

" Let's go get some food." I said

" Dawn we can't go outside we all are covered in paint ."

"Yes we can." I argued back

"Nu uh." said Kian

"yu huh."

"Nu Uh."

I guess we did this for awhile.

"GUYS." yelled Connor

We both turned our heads toward him.

"You can stop fighting I ordered pizza."Connor said giving us an amused look

"Oh" Me and Kian Said with embarrassed looks on our faces

"Well what should we do while we wait for the pizza?" I asked

" I would say clean up but we don't have no clothes to change into... well except for you." said Jc looking at me , I barely realized Jc had a lot of paint in his hair , but then again all the boys do.

I wonder how much paint actually got on the walls , and how much paint got on them.....


A little while later I came with a genius and funny plan. Well it was funny for me .

"Ok guys I have an idea." They looked at me .

We were all sitting on the floor and we were playing on our phones.

I continued with what I was saying " I'll call Jared and ask him if you guys could borrow his shirts ,but you have to wear the same pants, and then you guys could shower and ill put your shirts in the washer."

"Wouldn't his shirts be a little bit to big, the guy is huge." Trevor spread his arms wide open emphasizing that Jared was a tall guy .

I let out a giggle " yes but if you want to sit on the big comfy couch downstairs you need to change." Trevor just shook his head knowing I was right.

" So should I call him to ask or..."

"Yeah go ahead and call him." Kian said while looking on his phone.

I Pulled out my phone from my pocket and dialed Jared's number.

"Hello." Jared answered

While we were in the middle of fixing my room. Jared and Jensen had got a call about an emergency meeting for the show that there on.

" Hey Jared I have a question."

"Sure, is everything all right over there.?" Jared asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

" Yeah ever-."

"HEY JAREDDDD." Yelled Trevor . I pushed him away and Jared let out a small chuckle

"Trevor go away." I yelled while laughing

I put my phone back to my ear.

"Sorry about that." I apologized

"No it's fine , What did you want to ask."

" Oh I was wondering if the guys could borrow your shirts theres kind of have paint all over them ."

" Umm Sure but do you have clothes to change into because if not I could sned someone over to get you some."

" No its fine I have some in my suit case from the orphanage."

" Ok, Well let me know if you need anything else."

" Ok I'll let you know, bye"

"Be safe, Bye." After he said that we both hung up.

" What did he say." asked Jc

" He said it was fine , so you want to help find his room and the shirts."

" Yeah sure lets go." Jc agreed

" Ok. Hey guys ." The other guys looked at me.

" Me and Jc are going to go look for the shirts meanwhile one of you get in the shower and leave your shirt outside the door so I can put it in the washer."

" K, Hey theres shampoo in there right ?" asked Sam

" Yeah." I said

Me and Jc started walking into the hallway when Ricky stopped us.

" Hey Guys." said Ricky. " Yeah." Jc responded

"Use protection." He said while smiling.

Jc just slapped him on the back of his head. " OW." said Ricky while rubbing his head.

I just laughed and me and Jc walked out of the room .



Hey guys this is a short update and it is not edited like the rest of my chapters. I had posted this chapter twice but had to delete it because half of the chapter was missing . So sorry if there was any confusion. Also sorry for not updating in forever I'll be honest with you I was to lazy to update . Lol~Jasmine

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2016 ⏰

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