White Rose {George Weasley One Shot} 3DaysFromLove Contest

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This one shot is dedicated to 3DaysFromLove for her Missing Link Contest! :D I hope you like it! It may not be the best, but i really just wanted to enter something in your contest!!!

{WARNING} This is a one shot taking after Fred's death, so no freddie in here.... But there is a Georgie! :)

White Rose{George Weasley One Shot} 3DaysfromLove Contest

            “George you have to go to work.” I heard mum call out my name from downstairs. I groaned as I pulled the covers over my face, feeling the hole in my chest only get bigger. This was the same routine every morning since the Battle of Hogwarts was over and Fred’s Funeral passed. It had been over four months and everybody seemed to be moving past it already, but I wasn’t. I could never be passed my twin brother’s dead; I felt anger boil up inside of me. How could everyone already forget that he was gone? Did they not even care? “George,” I heard my mum’s voice right outside Fred and mine’s old room.  “Please come out and go to the joke shop. Ron can’t manage it all by himself…. F-F-Fred would have wanted you to keep it running.”

I couldn’t take it anymore, I jumped out of bed and soon I was at the door looking down at the small, crying woman in front of me. Her once blazing red hair looked duller and she lost her sense of hot headedness. She just stared up at me with those dark brown eyes swimming with tears; she looked at me in horror. She tended to do that nowadays, every time any member of my family saw me, they thought of Fred. I knew what they were thinking, they wished I was dead rather then Fred, and I didn’t blame them one bit. “You didn’t know Fred like I did.” I seethed out, anger rushing over me. It seemed like I was angrier now then ever, I was always the calm headed one, while Fred was hot headed and rash. “You just wish I was out of here so you can stop seeing Fred around and feeling guilty that you’re already forgetting about him!”

“G-George,” mother sobbed as I heard footsteps and there was dad and Bill to the rescue. I gave them a glare.

“George, what the bloody hell do you think you are doing?” Dad asked as I just glared at him, I then proceeded to push past my parents and older brother as I started to head down the steps before Bill grabbed my upper arm. I looked up at him and just scowled.

“Let go of me Bill.” I seethed out as Bill stared at me long and hard.

“George you have to stop this. You’re going to tear this family apart if you keep acting this way. Fred wouldn’t have wanted this.” Bill said as I saw his sorrow already swarming up in his eyes. I hated that look of pity and remorse, it made me sick. Why couldn’t they just get that I wanted to be left alone and that Fred’s death was nothing I could just get over of as quickly as they did.

“You’ll never understand what I’m going through Bill. You’ve never had a twin; it doesn’t just feel like I’ve lost my brother. It feels like I’ve lost a bit of myself.” I said as I shrugged off his arm and walked down the stairs, spotting Harry and Ginny sitting on the couch talking intimately before they looked up and spotted me. I growled at them, they were so lovesick they didn’t even care that Fred was gone. Some part in the back of my mind was telling me that I was being a git and stupid, but I wouldn’t have it. “Oh please don’t stop snogging for my case!”

“George!” Ginny yelled angrily as she looked up at me and then there was pity in her eyes, just like Harry’s. I glared at them. “You’re not the only one grieving.”

“No, I’m just the only one that hasn’t forgotten that Fred is dead!” I yelled angrily as Ginny started to cry, I rolled my eyes. I had enough of them crying, they didn’t really understand what was going on, they didn’t care. Again that voice nagged at me in the back of my head, telling me I was being a prat.

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