And When We Wake Up We Realize

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Author: ironicallyinternational

From: Archive of Our Own 

Original Link:

Summary: "It's funny; instead of being all cloyingly cheerful like Nico used to expect, Will's actually pretty sarcastic.

He likes it.

"They wish. I'm going to find myself a rich guy, murder him in his sleep and inherit all his money." The banter comes easy, maybe a little by surprise- all the hanging out with people like Annabeth and Piper and Reyna and- his friends- has gotten him edging closer to saying all the sarky remarks he makes in his head out loud.

Will nearly chokes to death on his ice cream, and Nico is about to jump up in alarm ( oh sweet mother of persephone how do you do cpr again) before he realizes that he's laughing.

Laughing excessively hard."

Long one-shot, following the relationship between Nico and Will from the end of BOO to a few years later.


He walks with Will towards the infirmary, blood pounding and heart racing with exhilaration. He just told Percy about his crush. HE just told PERCY about his CRUSH. He just TOLD Percy about his crush?! It feels too easy, too simple, as if someone is going to drag him into the spotlight and shout: "Wait! This guy's even more of an outcast than we thought! Stone him!" Instead, his fingers tingle from Annabeth's high five, and several bystanders smile as he walks past them.

Will remains silent, and Nico peers up, throat constricting, because it never even occurred to him that he might have a problem with it, and though Nico was standing pretty far away he knows Will understood what happened, so if-

For once, his naïve forgetfulness doesn't turn on him, because Will is grinning from ear to ear, looking like Christmas came early, teeth so blindingly white Nico has to look away. He clears his throat awkwardly, feeling flustered but pleased, and goes: "So...uh...". Not his most eloquent moment.

The son of Apollo turns towards him, eyes twinkling, before whispering conspiratorially: "Dude. That was amazing."

"Shut up." comes the immediate response, before he winces at his tone, but Will just laughs, opening the door to the infirmary and ushering him in.

Nico stills as he enters it, the traces of dying still strong from the after battle injuries, steeling himself for wary glances, which he receives- but not for the smiling faces and "Hey, Nico!"s that he also gets.

"I see Will's dragged you in here too?" Connor Stoll asks from where he sits next to his twin. Travis, arm bandaged, merely tuts. "We were betting on a few more days before you cracked, dude. Not cool."

And then a steady stream of greetings assails him, familiar and unfamiliar faces alike calling out and teasing, until Lou Ellen arrives, hands on hips and eyebrow raised. "All right, you lot, what's going on now- Oh, hey, Nico!" "Hi." Nico says, sounding a little overwhelmed even to his own ears, and making the occupants of the room laugh.

"I was wondering if you'd drop by...Although looking at you, you should have come sooner."

"I feel fine! Really!" Nico protests as several healers pause to survey him critically.

"Fine isn't good enough, di Angelo!" Will announces as he enters again, carrying a load of boxes that he throws at Clarisse as she puts her head through the door. "Now if you'll excuse us, I have to go and throw the kid into a bed before he tries to escape again."

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