A Day in the Life

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Author: Genuinelies

From: Archive Of Our Own

Original Link:http://archiveofourown.org/works/2390423?view_adult=true 

Summary: A brief look into the beginning of Will and Nico's relationship...


"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine...you make me happy when skies are grey!"

Jason was halfway done his morning routine when the sound of admittedly pleasant singing filtered in from outside. Curious, he cracked the door of his cabin and looked around the grounds for the source.

And immediately backpeddled into his room and shimmied into his pants. He was out the door and running across Camp Half Blood a moment later.

The crowd around Cabin 13 was only growing.

A stone was sinking down Jason's throat into his stomach. He was going to make whoever was hassling Nico rethink his life choices. His hands fisted at his sides, but when he was close enough to see over the heads of the other campers he paused.

Will Solace was strumming away on his guitar as he finished up his serenade with a beautiful flourish.

Gathering his wits, Jason shoved his way past the other campers, who had started tittering amongst each other. They parted like he'd called down a lightning bolt as they realized who was shoving. None of his friends were there, likely because they were still enjoying being able to sleep in and not worry about the fate of the world after their ordeal with Gaea.

He placed a hand on Will's shoulder. "What's going on here?"

The other counselor didn't even flinch, giving Jason a rueful smile. His eyes were serious above the spattering of freckles on his cheeks. "Thought Nico could use some cheering up."

"Solace, if you're picking on-"

"Excuse you, but my intentions are pure, I promise!" Will looked offended. He shrugged off his hand. The other blond was tall, and he drew himself up to give Jason a concerned but warning look. "I don't see how this is any of your business, either."

Jason blinked at him. Did that really mean what it sounded like it meant? "You realize that he's probably not even in there? That was enough to send him into the underworld for the next twenty years."

Will grinned. "It's good for him."

Jason frowned.

"Really. He needs to stop hiding," Will said. He shot a look back at Cabin 13, and there was just enough worry in the son of Apollo's glance that Jason relaxed, just slightly.

"I'm being serious," Jason frowned harder. "You really might have scared him off for good. He was finally doing better here with people."

"Then I assure you I'll be making a trip to drag his bum back to camp," Will frowned back.

"You'd go to the underworld?" Jason was taken aback.

"Sure. If it's necessary." Will shrugged as if it wasn't any big deal. "I told you, this is good for him."

Jason gave him a disbelieving look. "I don't think he deserves you." He didn't particularly mean it as a compliment.

"Oh, he definitely does," Will rejoined cheerfully. He kept shooting glances toward Nico's closed door, though, and finally Jason relented.

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