My Personal Hero

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Author: IcyDeath

From: Archive Of Our Own

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Summary: Connor gulped, "We didn't know the spell would- would-"

"Would turn him into a child?" Nico hissed and the murmuring from the demigods around them grew with interest. They just noticed that Nico was standing protectively in front of a someone small, hidden protectively by the darkness and shadows. Therefore, the child was hard to notice at first.


"But heroes, at times, had to be fools."
― Steve Berry, The Venetian Betrayal

"STOLLS!" A loud, angry shout echoed throughout the camp. Two guilty sons of Hermes flinched and exchanged nervous looks. The campers knew to give them a wide berth as the temperature suddenly dropped and the surroundings seems to darken.

"Think we should run?" Travis whispered to his brother, Connor, nervously.

Connor nodded hurriedly. As the two of them turned around to make a mad escape, a certain female demigod stepped forward and blocked their paths. Travis cursed and glared, as Katie stood in front of them, hands on her hips.

"Oh no you don't." She said with a slight 'tut' that Travis did not find endearing at all. "Man up for a change, and face the consequences of whatever chaos you did this time."

"How are you sure it's our fault?" Connor crossed his arms, "If only my brother didn't have a huge crush on you I'd-"

But before Travis could tackle his traitorous brother to the ground and make up some crazy, wild story about Connor being a sad, attention-seeking liar, something cold and slick caught them by the ankles and made them freeze on the spot.

The two sons of Hermes turned slowly and barely got a glimpse of shadows keeping their legs in place before they looked up at the livid face of a certain son of Hades.

"What in Hades," Nico wasn't shouting and his face was calm, but his eyes were narrowed and cold, "Did you do to Will Solace?"

Both brothers, though they would deny it to their dying day, let out terrified squeaks.

Travis raised his hands, "Look, di Angelo, it was just a prank-"

"-a harmless prank! We swear! Just a tiny joke for laughs you know." Connor nodded hurriedly, "I mean, we do this with Will all the time. Prank war, son of Hermes and all that-"

"Yeah, Will definitely understands-"

"NOT AT THE MOMENT HE DOESN'T!" Nico suddenly yelled, making the two jump in surprise. The son of Hades tried to reign in his anger when he felt a certain someone tremble behind him. He breathed in deeply, "You went too far." He said, voice icy and scarily calm.

"It wasn't on purpose!" Connor managed to stutter out.

"It was the Hecate cabin's fault!" Travis said, waving his hands wildly. The children of Hecate who were watching, shot the two glares. "All we wanted was an innocent spell that would change Will's hair color!"

Connor gulped, "We didn't know the spell would- would-"

"Would turn him into a child?" Nico hissed and the murmuring from the demigods around them grew with interest. They just noticed that Nico was standing protectively in front of a someone small, hidden protectively by the darkness and shadows. Therefore, the child was hard to notice at first.

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