chapter 2

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De'Anthonie pov

Finally yo ole mean ass gave me my own pov.(shut that shit up for u not have another one fam). Mane u flodging on a nigga damn. (Nigga say what u gotta say fo u die in the next chapter.) Awe u fuckin with me fam chill. But I be that sexy muhhfuhhker De'Anthonie Quintin Lukes. I live with myself. I am in a gang called FBGM800. It means Fuck Bitches Get Money. My parents got killed in a car incident. The closet i have as family is my bestfriend. He more like a brother tho. His name Tielur. I know that's Tiara's brother. We been niggas every since my parents had died. He let me in cuz a nigga didn't have a place to go. My other niggas are James and Tyree. We go by the slogan ' fuck with one. fuck with all.'

She walked away from me. I could tell she was smiling. I had to try and get her. She was fine tho. I was snapped out my thought when my phone buzzed. It was a text from Tielur.

BigBrotherTielur:aye fam. We goys a situation. Meet up at the trap.

ThatNiggaDe:ight . what time tho?

BigBrotherTielur:just bring ya ass nigga.

I read the text and headed to the trap. I got there and approached the 'guard dawgs' Deebo and Fred. I did the secret code and walked in. Soon as i walled in. The smell of weed hit my ass like a car. Shit was loud asff. I went to Tie's office to see wassup.

Knock knock!!

"Who is it?" Tie yelled. "Me the door." I say getting impatient. He open the door. I greet him with a handshake. We walk in and take a seat.
"So wassup." I say getting comfortable in the chair. "Say now...i heard ya taking a liking on my sister Tiara." Damn how tf did he know. I sit up and say "well yeah she seem cool. Ya kno she seemed different. She wasnt one of them hoes that threw theirselves at a nigga. And i was diggin it.' "Well hurt her in any kind of way and we gone be diggin ur grave my nigga." He say straight up. I nod my head and start to walk out. I dapped the boys up and head home.

I got home and headed straight for the shower. A nigga was tired for it to be the first day of school. I started the water and waited for the bathroom to get steamy. Then i got in. "I don't want nobody but you. Kissing on my tattoos. I don't want nobody but me. Talking to you until you fall asleep." I started singing. I washed myself and got out. I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around myself. I walked out the bathroom and went to my drawers. I grabbed my Kelvin Klein boxers and put them on. Then went to my closet and grabbed my Nike gym shorts and a white beater. Then put on my socks.

I grabbed my phone and decided to text Tiara.

**Text Convo**

De'Anthonie:hey ya busy?

TiaraNilaya:nahh wassup?

De'Anthonie: a nigga lonely. Wanna come over?

TiaraNilaya: aha.dead..but sure adress

De'Anthonie: ion see nun funny. 3528 brickview drive

TiaraNilaya:be there inna few

I read her message and went downstairs. I went to the living room and turned on a movie. Then my stomach was growling. I got up and went to fix pizza.


"Who it be?" I say pausing. "Tiara." She say in her sweet lil voice. I ran to the door. "Wassup beautiful." I say as i open the door and reaching out for a hug. "Hey De'Anthonie.' She say giving me a hug.

Tiara pov

"Who it be?" He yelled. "Tiara" i say. I heard footsteps coming closer to the door. "Wassup beautiful." He say opening the reaching out for a hug. "Hey De"Anthonie." I say giving him his hug. He let me go and i walk in. His house was big. But it was also empty. "Why your house empty? No decorations?" I say alittle confused. "I'm waiting on you to decorate it. Ya kno make it your own." He say as we take a seat on the couch. "You hungry? I was just putting pizza in the oven." He say. "Yeah I'll take some." I say checking my phone. He went to the kitchen to put the pizza in the oven. Minutes later he come back and sit on the couch. "So beautiful tell me bout yo self." He say putting his feet on the coffee table in front of him. "Well i think you already know that I have a sister and brother name Tiana and Tielur-" he cut me off. "Can I tell ya something ma?" He say looking away from me nervously. "Ummm....yeah." I say unsure of what he was about to say. "Well I happen to know yo brother. He sorta like my brother. We in the gang together." He say quickly and nervously. I knew something was up. I just knew it. I looked up at him "i mean that's not so bad i guess." I say. "Look I just wanted to let you know before we get serious." He say smiling. "Aha. Before we get serious? Who said WE was happening?" I say interested in his answer. "Umm. I did honey booboo." He say with his hand on his hip and pretending to chew on some gum. "You are something else." I say laughing. Then he went to the kitchen and got the pizza. We ate our pizza and chilled and talked the rest of the night.


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