Chapter Twelve

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            The house is warmer than outside, which doesn't feel great after working out.  I go into the kitchen and fish out a glass for some water.  My mind is racing at a million miles an hour, but I can't decide which thought is the most important.  The strangest idea is that Elliot somehow likes me, even though we've barely talked.  The whole Cassi situation just pisses me off.  I can't believe she'd lie to me.  Still, her lying is going to make me feel better about doing the same thing in return.  If she can lie about her relationship with Elliot, so can I.

            I hear the front door open, but I stay in the kitchen, knowing it's only Cassi coming home from Jenna's.

            "Do you want anything to drink?" calls Cassi's voice. 

            My eyebrows crunch together as I swivel around, wondering why Cassi would be offering me something to drink in my own home.

            "Uh no, that's alright." 

            My heart pretty much hits the floor at the sound of Elliot's deep, British accent.  I feel my face flush and instantly spin back toward the sink.  I'm not sure why Elliot is here.  What if he's here because he really is in a relationship with Cassi and just didn't want me to know?  Maybe he wanted to secretly date us both at the same time.  I shake my head.  If he was going to do that, he would probably wait until I wasn't around.

            "So, what did you need to talk about?" asks Cassi.

            I take a few sips of water and stare in the direction of the living room.  Were I to just stick my head around the corner, I'd be able to see both of them.  It sounds like they're over by the couch, but I can't be sure.

            "I just wanted to make sure we are clear on the whole friends thing." 

            Oh God.  Does he have to be so blunt? 

            I'm clenching the glass so hard I'm afraid it's going to break.  I wish the stairs were closer.  That way, I could sprint up to my bedroom and block out the rest of this horribly awkward conversation.  Unfortunately, the only way I can get out of the kitchen is by walking through the living room.  And there's no way I'm physically getting in between this conversation.  What if Elliot throws me under the bus?

            "Um yeah, why wouldn't we be?" asks Cassi, not missing a beat.  She sounds perfectly at ease, like her answer was completely obvious.

            Great, she's making me sound crazy.

            "I don't know."  Elliot clears his throat.  "I just have this thing with another girl, but I wanted to make sure you and I were okay first."

            "Yeah.  Sure.  Of course."  This time, Cassi's voice cracks slightly.  "That's great."


            "So, who is this lucky girl?" asks Cassi, her voice still not sounding like her own.  She's uncomfortable, and more than a little annoyed.  I can hear it in the high pitch of her words.

            "You don't know her," replies Elliot smoothly. 

            "I know almost everyone," insists Cassi.  "What's her name?"

            "She's home-schooled," says Elliot.  "Her name is Princess." 

            I have to clap a hand over my mouth to keep from laughing.  Princess?  As in Princess Fiona from Shrek?

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