Part 3: Microsoft Word

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You read the title correctly. I often find myself getting irrationally irritated at Microsoft Word (this goes for similar programs also). Besides getting off task because of all the extra features like word art on my chapter titles, not that I'm not glad they're there for my use, word just doesn't seem to understand everything I'm trying to say.

Let's take a second to talk about the little green and red squiggly lines that appear under text. They are there to help, and often do when I get to typing to fast and misspell a word. Other times they can be a pain. It's hard to continue writing without getting distracted by those lines that don't register a name I am using or any similar case. Could Microsoft please just understand that it is not wrong; trust me I checked it as soon as the squiggly line showed up.

Another problem I've encountered has been that the program, and several others, do not know the difference between my use of "its" and "it's". Yes, Microsoft, I know how to use them. No, it does not always require an apostrophe. Because of this, even though I knew how to use them, you had me confused for a short period of time because you kept insisting it was wrong as "its" and you had me doubting myself. I'm sure everyone who has ever used Microsoft Word can agree with me here.

A last problem I have had as a writer using Microsoft Word has been the fact I have to save it every two seconds or else. I'll be writing, and boom! the computer freezes, restarts itself, or some other mishap occurs. Usually, I'm in the middle of or have just finished a paragraph or chapter that I struggled to get through because of writer's block. This especially happens when I am extremely pleased with how I wrote it and do not think I could have said it any better (not until editing anyways). In the rare case that I can recover the work, I won't have to throw the computer. Otherwise, I become very tempted to do so. Perhaps this isn't really a Microsoft Word problem, but it only seems to happen when I am writing something important, like, let's an assignment due the next day.

So, Microsoft Word, please do us all a favor and stop being such a pain to our writing process.


A frustrated aspiring editor, Elaura_B



I really can't say it enough; I am offering editing on stories for anyone who may be interested. The information can be found on my profile and also in the last chapter or this book. If you have any questions that aren't covered there feel free to private message me about it.

Also, please vote and comment, as that will get my story seen more and would help get the word out that I'm editing stories! Thanks, have a wonderful evening.

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